I'm wishing all the lights
I'm wishing all this dark
I'm wishing all the carpets
I'm wishing all the walls
I'm wishing all the cold
I'm wishing all the flames
I'm wishing all the oxygen
Would stop
Stop messing up my hair
Stop pinching my behind
Stop knocking me out
That kind
Of way
And I'm wishing all the rainbows
Stop coloring my life
With blue and red and yellow
And I'm wishing all the shadows
Stop coloring my life
In black and white and gray
Stop knocking
Me out that kind
Of way
I'm wishing all the knocks
Stop knocking in my head
I'm wishing all the heads
Stop reading my gazette,
It upset
My mind
That kind
Of way
I'm wishing all the ways
Stop leading me to Rome
Stop making me
Run back home
I'm whishing all the homes
Be mine
I'm wishing all that is mine
To be somebody else's
Let it grow
Let it blossom
Let it flow
In his hand
I'm wishing all the hands
Stop calling in my name
So I could
Once write