אדיר כתב לטליה:):):)
Light of my Love / Adir Naftali
I still remember
the last time we kissed
sweet gums and flowers
mix up the taste of your lips
and you know, I'll take your hand
and won't let go
I fill you shaking
come little closer to me
I've done with training
and now I'm ready to live it out
can't wait to see you tonight
can't wait to see your face you're the light of my love
And when it seems like she don't care
I'm not friking out
cause I know
I'll wake up at night
just to find out that
she left me massge on the phone
Old man once told me
true love can never die
but now he's lonely no matter
how hard he tries to find
a true love like mine
And when it seems like she don't care
I'm not giving up...
Remember last night
still last your smell on my cloths
and now it's day light
so why I'm still all alone
stories had told
she's a rain from god
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תמיד שוכח,
אותי... |
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