I hate it all, I do not want to see anything ever in my life
again. But the truth stays; I am dependent on all of this.
But I hate it!! Isn't that stupidly, annoyingly, fiercely
and exotically ironic?
It doesn't matter; it will not stop me from hating it all.
Why? For the joy of hating it all, I guess.
I don't want to hear a thing that has any connection to
what it is you all have to say to me. I swear, if you'll say
a word I'll kill you, I'm desperately serious, I'm warning
you, don't be stupid. I will cut your throat like a knife
can cut a fresh green cucumber.
Or I can tear your cloths off you, and cut your whole body,
your whole soul. Don't worry; it won't hurt much, at least
not for me. On the other hand, you'll probably be screaming
and screeching from the horrible pain, you won't know where
you are because all you'll know is the pain, the hard
killing pain. All you'll want to do is to die, the pain and
agony is too much for you, you'll give in, and then I'll
take my knife, and through your hurt and soul, it will
follow. You'll be dead.
So don't mess with me, it's NOT healthy for you.
You can say I'm psycho, you can say I forgot my pills today,
you can say whatever you'd like, but the fact remains your
life depends on me...
But don't forget to drop bye and say hello every once in a
while!! |