Hey you! eat up!
Open you little mouth
You will have to eat it now
A mushroom that rots over time
Hey you! ski-nny!
Empty the bowl, eat it
Use your spoon immidatly
The soup mushrooms of hate!
All these flavors they tried to giive you
To your brain
But you knew how much it sucked
Now its time for the real thing
No more Chicken!
Now its time to eat the soup
With Mushrooms!
God damn! wahts wrong?
Dont you like my soup
I will rape u up the ass
Eat it now, stupid baboon
All these flavors they tried to giive you
To your brain
But you knew how much it sucked
Now its time for the real thing
No more Chicken!
Now its time to eat the soup
With Mushrooms! Mushrooms! Mushrooms! Mushrooms!
You cant eat
Mushroms of hate
A soup you cant digest!
Try and eat it
Try and eat it
You are hungry
Just fucking eat it
Try and eat it
Show em what u can
You are hungry
Just Fucking eat it
All these flavors they tried to giive you
To your brain
But you knew how much it sucked
Now its time for the real thing
No more Chicken!
Now its time to eat the soup
With Mushrooms!
You have tried to eat it
You have tried to eat it
You have tried to eat it
You have tried to eat it |
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הנהלת האתר אחראים לנזק, אבדן, אי נוחות, עגמת
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לך או לכל צד שלישי בשל מסרים שיפורסמו
ביצירות, שהנם באחריות היוצר בלבד.