Once upon a time there was a boy named Pete
His Mother was fine and his sister was sweet
But something went wrong inside little Peteys Head
After a snorting session, he wanted Daddy dead
So he could run off with Mum, makin love all day long
Didnt anyone tell Pete this was wrong?
Pete knew daddys gun was in a chest of drawers
So Pete climbed the stairs, to the buildings top floor
He went to open the drawer, but the drawer was stuck
He smashed the chest to the floor, heard a cry 'What the
Pete could hear the footsteps of his father getting closer
He started to panic, but then saw the drawer was broken
Pete grabbed Daddys weapon and aimed at the stairs
His Dad reached the top, but Pete cocked it, prepared
Pointed straight at the unlucky fathers head
Five loud noises later, unlucky father's dead
No remorce for his provider Pete went to his mother
Aimed the pistol and started screamin 'Be my lover!'
Mummy screamed for god, but only little sis came
Crying out 'Mum Pete's been at the cocaine!'
'He took a whole kilo - He'll be dead in two hours'
'Do something before we're all pushin up flowers'
Pete cried 'Enough - Now you must suck my dik'
But then Pete fell over and started to be sick
They carried him upstairs and threw him in the bath
He threw up some more, and started to laugh
He pulled out a hand from the vat full of sick
The pistol fired out, His feet gave there last kick
Pete awoke in a damp dark place swarming with bugs
A fiery hell thanks to too many drugs |
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