La' ment!
FO' I got stabbed in the back by the Feelin'-less
Damn! Fo' death belongs to those who believe in it but don't
know it
Life served to those that don't understand it
Happiness to those who ain't worth it
Fo' God is for those that ain't need it, for the shallow who
choose god and spit on it
an' fo' the supremes who shut it an' can't spit on it
Fo' i got no shitty power for the 'bla'in' teachers, what
are they teaching for ?
the useless knowledge to be forgotten ?
fo' the unused mind to try to open, obviously
Fo' the feelin'-less who gets to use their heart
while the feelin'-full ain't gets it 'cause of ideologic but
just want use it
I was there yesterday
di'n't do a bloody thing
wasted a' opportunity, im the master in this art
Stabbed in the back by the Feelin'-less
La' ment. |
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