me indigo mold me indigo mold
look at my friends and think me indigo mold
me indigo mold me indigo mold
love the color but feel like mold me indigo mold
me indigo mold me indigo mold
wanna be the color but will and is a mold me indigo mold
me indigo mold me indigo mold
primitive will not survive
for as me indigo mold
me indigo mold learned to write my bright indigo mold
although smart enough
to understand it's status
me indigo mold.
me indigo mold me indigo mold
won't sleep tonight indigo mold
me indigo mold me indigo mold
won't grow tall cause decisions aren't made by indigo mold
won't flower will smile
the only attraction of me indigo mold
writing now indigo mold
does not remember or understand but me indigo mold hear
thought to be a success in several regions me indigo mold
know it's not
me indigo mold me indigo mold will say it's word , word
won't be heard unless
me indigo mold me indigo mold
hope to find another indigo mold to share his being with
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