Have you ever killed an angel?
Because I have
Drove a spear into his heart
And this is what he said
He said why are you doing this?
Why is all the hate?
Where is your soul? Is it out on a break?
And I said I have no soul she is long gone
Like the wind she flew home
I am all alone with no moral or conches
Free to kill no matter the consequences
See I have no home I have no love
I don't believe in the one above
Have you ever killed an angel?
Because I tried
With a spear into his heart
I tried to take his life
But he didn't die he just kissed me and smile
Forget all your hate embers the love
Because you are a chilled of god
Believe in what is right and pure
One day you will be given the cure
For all your anger and hate
All you have to do is wait
Suffer for me and be redeemed
Of all the killings that you bring
So now I am just waiting for the end
Remembering what he said
To find the love not the hate
To find what is right before it is too late
?Have you ever killed an angel |
-Hey Dude...
קומיצה עלה לגג
לתקן את קולטי
השמש. |
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