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חיפוש בבמה

שם משתמש או מספר
[ אני רוצה משתמש! ]
[ איבדתי סיסמה ): ]

מדורי במה

פנתר שחורה

Their car pulled up to the driveway. Anne's Parents ran out
to greet them, her older sister, Carol, ran out behind them.
Anne watched from her bedroom window as Mr. and Mrs. James
climbed out of the car and as their daughter ran out to hug
Carol. She noticed someone was still inside the car not
hurrying to get out. Mrs. Johnson, her mother, looked up to
the window where she stood and signaled with her hand for
her to come down and greet their guests.
   Anne, unlike everybody else, wasn't as thrilled, to see
them. The two families were parted when the James' moved to
Canada years ago. Anne was only 3 years old when they were
neighbors. She didn't know them like Carol did. She hated
all the enthusiasm she wasn't a part of. She solemnly walked
towards the stairs with a sour expression on her face, as if
she was doing someone a favor by going down to join them.
She got out of the house and joined her parents, Mrs. James
ran towards her with an extremely big smile on her face.
 "Is that my little Anney?" She asked, grabbing her tightly
and hugging her. "Look how she's grown! Why she's
practically a young women now!" She said, almost choking
her. "Look George!" She shouted to her husband who was busy
getting reacquainted with Sam, Anne's father. George looked
at the two, gave them a little nod with a smile and
continued his conversation.
Anne's mother noticed Anne's grim expression.
 "You could at least pretend to be happy." She whispered in
her daughter's ear. Anne gave her a fake smile and quickly
turned it back into a grim. Mrs. James turned to Anne's
 "I can't believe how much she's grown, Hanna!" she
practically yelled at her. "How old are you dear, 14?" she
asked Anne.
 "15." Anne corrected her.
 "Oh that's right! I completely forgot you're only one year
younger than Jason." Mrs. James said. "Maybe we should fix
those two kids up together, hey Hanna?" she winked at Anne's
 "Who's Jason?" Anne asked.
 "Don't tell me you don't remember Jason!" Mrs. James
shouted. "You two were inseparable when you were small! I
remember how the two of you slept together practically every
night! Common' I'll introduce you." She grabbed Anne's hand
and pulled her to the car. "Jason dear, come on out here.
There's someone I want to introduce you to." She said to the
person in the car.
 "I don't want to meet any more of your dumb friends mom,
leave me alone!" Jason yelled from inside.
 "Young man get your butt out here, this instant!" She
yelled. He climbed out of the car, and stood in front of
them. He was tall and handsome. He had bright green eyes and
straight dark brown hair that reached down to his ears. He
was masculine with a great body. She had to admit he looked
incredibly cute!  "Now. Jason, I would like you to meet
Anne. Anne, this is my son Jason." Jason looked at Anne.
"Hi" he said unenthusiastically.
"Hi" she answered back, not appreciating his attitude.
"Now you two get to know each other, while I'll just run
back to Hanna." she told them and hopped back to talk with
Anne's mother.
    Anne felt very uncomfortable, not knowing what to say.
He stood there for a few seconds, and once he noticed there
was no sign of conversation, he took one last look at her
and got back into the car. She stood there alone,
embarrassed and kind of disappointed that he didn't seem to
find her attractive. After all, the guys in her school
practically drooled over her looks. She was tall and thin.
She had long straight black hair, light honey-colored eyes
and an obvious sex apeal. Even her older sister was jealous
of her looks. She decided that since he didn't show much
interest in her, then he's just not the kind of guy she
should show any interest in either. Yet she couldn't help
feeling just a "bit" attracted to him. She turned away from
the car and walked back to her house, unaware of Jason who
was watching her every move from inside.

    It seemed to take forever for the two families to get
into the house. Once they finished unpacking all the
suitcases it was already nighttime. It seemed like too many
clothes for a family who was just visiting for summer
vacation. Anne's house was very big, so it wasn't a problem
to find everyone a place to sleep. Victoria, Jason's older
sister, slept in Carol's room and Mr. And Mrs. James slept
in the guest room, which had a king-sized bed and all the
furniture they could need. Jason slept on the couch in the
living room, which opened up into a queen-sized bed.

    By midnight everyone was asleep. Anne sat on her bed
reading her weekly magazine, which she red every night
before going to sleep. Although her eyes were going through
the words on the pages, her mind was concentrating on how
thirsty she was. She got out of bed and headed for the
kitchen. She was used to having a small lamp lit in the
corner of the living room, which was right next to the
kitchen so she could find her way at night, but the light
wasn't on. All she could see was darkness. The window shades
were closed so not even the moonlight reflected through the
glass. She entered the living room and headed for the little
cornered lamp forgetting the couch, which stood in her way.
She bumped into it and fell forward, right on top of...
 "Jason!" she yelled as she landed over him suddenly
remembering he was there.
 "What?!" He shouted jumping up from the sofa shocked and
confused. Anne jumped to the corner and lit the lamp. She
turned around and saw him standing up. His hair was all
messy and he was wearing nothing but boxers with a Bugs
Bunny picture printed on them. She covered her mouth with
her hand hiding her giggles. "What the hell are you trying
to do?! Kill me?!" he yelled at her with an angry
expression. Her expression turned serious and a little
frightened. She didn't like the way he yelled at her.
 "I'm sorry! I forgot you were sleeping here!" She yelled
back at him angrily. She couldn't believe how mean he was
when all she did was make a simple mistake.
 "Oh, so what you're saying is that you "accidentally" fell
over me? Yeah right!"
 "What do you mean "yeah right"? are you suggesting that I
fell on you on purpose?!"
 "You said it, not me!"
 "How dare you!"
 "How dare "you"!"
 "Stop that!!!" Mrs. Johnson interrupted their fight,
running down the stairs.
 "What on earth is going on here?" Mrs. James asked
following Mrs. Johnson.
 "What's going on?" Carol and Victoria asked walking down
behind the two mothers.
 "She jumped on me while I was asleep!" Jason yelled
pointing at Anne accusingly.
 "I did not! I fell over him by accident!" Anne shouted
trying to clear her name.
 "What on earth were you doing here in the first place?"
Mrs. Johnson asked her daughter.
 "Trying to kill me!" Jason said before she could reply.
 "Did not! I just came down to get a glass of water."
 "But the kitchen is over there" Jason pointed to the other
side of the room at the kitchen door. "Why did you come over
here then?"
 "I wanted to turn on the light!"
 "Oh please!" He believed her every word, but he didn't
want to say so and make himself look stupid.
 "I want you both to go right back to bed this instant. I
am too tired now, we'll settle this in the morning." Mrs.
Johnson said and went back up the stairs followed by Mrs.
James and the two girls.
Anne and Jason looked at each other with angry faces.
Although they seemed to hate each other's guts, what they
really felt was tiredness and extremely attracted to each
Anne quickly walked up the stairs and Jason got into bed.
Neither of them slept for more than two hours that night.

   "Anny, com'on! breakfast is ready!" Mrs. Johnson shouted
from the kitchen the next morning.
Anne woke up and got dressed. She wore a tight, yellow,
sleeveless shirt with blue jeans. When she got to the
kitchen, both families were sitting at the table eating.
She joined them and her mom handed her a plate with three
pancakes and some scrambled eggs. Anne started eating
completely ignoring Jason who sat in front of her. She drank
about five glasses of orange juice still feeling thirsty
from last night, because she never did get to bring herself
a glass of water. Nobody mentioned what happened the other
night so she just tried to erase it from her memory as if it
never happened, though she just couldn't get the picture of
Jason in his Bugs Bunny boxers and how sexy he looked, out
of her mind.

    All week long everybody did as they pleased. Anne  went
to visit some of her school friends and joined Carol and
Victoria when they went ice-skating and to the pool.
   The whole week she and Jason completely ignored each
other. On Sunday morning the next week Anne sat under the
apple tree in their garden reading a book. It seemed to be
the hottest day of the summer. She could feel the sweat
drops slipping down her whole body from her neck to her
legs. She wished that she had an ice tea in her hand to cool
her down, but she didn't have the strength to get up and get
it. Jason was not far from her, playing with an old friend
of his. The two guys filled up balloons with water and
through them at each other splashing the water all over
themselves as the balloons hit them and popped. Anne just
got to the most corny part of her book. The story was about
two teenagers who desperately loved each other, but neither
of them new it. She was reading the part where they
confessed their love to each other.
 "There's something I have to tell you, Beth" she red out
loud to make it even more corny. "What is it Dan?" "I love
you." "Oh Dan! I love you too!" They kissed and threw
themselves at each other.
"Oh how I wish something like that could happen to me." Anne
said sarcasticly as if playing a part from a movie.
    From the corner of her eye she looked at the two guys
who were still splashing each other with the water balloons.
Suddenly they stopped. She noticed they stood next to each
other watching her.
 "Check this out!"  She thought she heard Jason say. She
noticed he took one of the water filled balloons and faced
her. He seemed to be concentrating and aiming it at
something. Suddenly her heart seemed to pound just a slight
bit faster then usual. She felt a strange feeling of tense
as if something was going to happen soon and is just waiting
for the right moment. She straitened herself nervously and
turned her face towards the two guys feeling extremely
helpless and hopeless as she saw the round, blue object
flying, aiming straight towards her face as it hit her and
splashed water all over her.
 "You Idiot!!!" she yelled at Jason loosing control.
 "Get a grip" he said laughing at her with his friend.
 "I hate you, you pig, I wish you never came here, why
don't you just get out of my face!" She yelled and ran
towards him picking up a balloon on her way and slamming it
right into his face. That really got him pissed off. He
picked up a balloon and as she started running, threw it on
her back, hitting her with a splash and getting the little
parts that where still dry all soaken wet. The hard whack on
her back made her fall forwards to the ground. She landed on
her knees and felt tears filling up her eyes. She couldn't
believe she was crying. After all it wasn't like she was a
little girl that got a bump on her hand and started crying.
She was a teenager and all she got was a balloon slammed on
her back. She guessed that the reason was because she might
have got a nervous brake down when that balloon hit her
face. She was so shocked, that it made her loose control.
Jason looked at her for a while and once he noticed she
wasn't getting up, he slowly walked towards her, confused,
not knowing what happened. Anne heard his footsteps getting
closer to her. She tried to quickly stop her tears, but they
only seemed to get stronger. She felt so pathetic. He stood
right above her and she covered her eyes with her hands so
he wouldn't notice she was crying.
 "Anne?" he said, wondering if he should come closer to her
or step back. "listen I'm sorry if that last balloon hurt
you, I didn't mean to throw it so hard." She wanted to
answer back, she wanted to tell him that it wasn't the
reason she was crying, but she felt a horrible ache in her
throat and she knew that trying to speak would only make her
burst out in tears. He sat down beside her and put his hand
on her shoulder. "I guess I should've known a girl would get
hurt from a little punch." He said. Suddenly all her tears
went away. She was so mad at him that moment because of what
he said that she felt her face reddening, and her whole body
getting hot. She turned around, shoved him hard on to the
grass and ran into the house, slamming the door behind her.
 "What?" he said innocently, looking at his friend who
stood behind him laughing.
    When everyone sat down for dinner, Anne wasn't hungry.
It was a warm evening so she stepped outside and sat on a
large rock in the back yard. She starred up at the moon,
while all kinds of strange thoughts went through her head.
She felt so confused and yet didn't know why. She heard the
back door open and someone stepping out. She didn't look to
see who it was, she didn't have to. She knew exactly who it
was. He came and sat beside her on the rock.
 "Did I hurt you today, in any way?" he asked.
 "No." she replied.
 "Then why did you run inside?"
 "I was angry."
 "Oh, yeah. Sorry about that, sometimes I say stupid
 "really stupid!"
They looked at each other and smiled. Suddenly a warm
tenderness feeling crept all through her body. She felt
weird. Their smiles faded, turning their expresions serious
and full of passion, slowly their faces drew closer and
closer. They closed their eyes as their lips touched and
pushed against each other opening and closing their mouths.
His lips felt warm and soft pushing against hers. She felt
his tongue touching hers and rubbing against it. Her hands
were gracefully moving through his hair, while his hands
were tenderly holding her waist pulling her closer and
closer to him.
    The back door opened again. They quickly pulled away
from each other as they heard their mothers stepped out of
the house.
 "Such a lovely evening, isn't it Hanna?" Mrs. James asked
Anne's mother.
 "Yes it is Barbara. Why don't we all go for a walk?"
 "I think that's a splendid Idea, what do you say kids?"
Mrs. James asked the two. They didn't hear her.   They
looked at each other smiling, unaware of anything that was
going on around them. "Are you two all right?" she asked
 "Hmm, huh, what?" Anne asked returning to reality.
 "I asked if you would like to join us for a walk down the
street?" Mrs. James said.
 "Not really" Jason replied without taking his eyes off of
 "All right then, I guess it's just you and me, Hanna. The
kids seem to be more interested in sitting here staring at
each other's faces all night."
 "Lets just hope they won't do any more than that." Mrs.
Johnson said, and the two mothers giggled unstoppably as
they walked away.

    The next morning The two families went to the beach.
When they got there the mothers sat under the shade next to
the towels while the fathers went surfing and the four kids
played with the beach ball. There were two teams. Victoria
and Carol on one and Jason and Anne on the other. Anne was
wearing a hot red bikini that Jason couldn't help, but
notice. He was wearing a green, boxer like bathing suit that
had a picture of a huge tongue drawn on it, with writing
that said "Lick me".
 "I just might do that" Anne whispered in his ear and
 "Do what?" he asked. She looked down at the writing on his
bathing suit. He lowered his glance to where she was
looking. "Oh yeah, that..." He said blushing. She giggled.  

    The two teams started throwing the ball to one another.
The rules were that every player could only touch the ball
once and the person who drops it or touches it twice loses a
point for his team. The ball flew up in the air and down
from player to player. After a few rounds they decided that
this will be their last round, since the game was starting
to bore them. So Victoria threw the ball up in the air and
Anne hit it and through it back, then Carol, then Jason...
Then Victoria hit the ball really hard and it flew high up
in the air. Both Jason and Anne came leaping towards it,
neither of them noticing the other was running to hit it and
as they hit each other Anne flew backwards and Jason landed
on top of her. The ball hit the ground and rolled away. The
four laughed so hard their stomachs began to hurt. Then they
split up and Jason and Anne headed to the water. Jason
chased Anne into the cold water and through himself on her
making her fall inside. She shivered in the cold water and
felt herself freeze as she stood up and felt the slight
breeze of wind against her body. He pulled her down into the
water and wrapped his arms around her to warm her up.
 "Our mothers can see us, you know." She said turning her
glance to their mothers who were busy chatting and
 "Let them see" he said, as if he didn't care. They grinned
at each other and dived into the water kissing underneath.
He pulled her towards him till their bodies rubbed against
each other and kissed her passionately. She felt she needed
to go up for air so she pulled away and they both came up
breathing hard.
 "I think we should save this for later" She said. He
ignored her and pulled her down again. She quickly jumped up
and pushed him away. "I really think this isn't a good place
to be doing this, our parents might see us." She said.
 "I don't think I could wait till later." He said wrapping
his arms around her waist.
 "Well you're just going to have to" She said, moving his
arms away. She smiled and went out of the water. He followed
her and they sat on the beach next to their mothers,
listening to their boring conversation that seemed to be
getting nowhere.

   When they all got home they took turns taking showers.
There were two bathrooms in the house. Anne's parents went
into the one that was attached to their room and the others
went into the one in the hall that belonged to the kids. Mr.
and Mrs. James took showers first, Victoria and Carol second
and then Anne went inside. She turned the water on and got
into the bathtub forgetting to lock the bathroom door. As
she slowly slipped the soap against her body she couldn't
help but wish and picture Jason there doing it for her. She
closed her eyes imagining his body against hers, inside the
shower and him sliding the soap against her smooth skin.
    Meanwhile, everybody was downstairs laughing and
talking in the living room. No one noticed Jason as he
sneaked upstairs and headed towards the bathroom. Anne was
still imagining him standing next to her. She didn't hear
the door to the bathroom open and him stepping inside. Her
eyes were still closed. Luckily for her the shower curtains
weren't see-through.
 "Oh Jason," she said out loud in a sexy voice, not knowing
he was right next to her.
 "Yes?" he said knowing she wasn't really talking to him.
She opened her eyes in shock and quickly stuck her head out
from the side of the shower curtain.
 "AHHHHH!!!!" she screamed when she saw him. "Get out of
here!" She yelled.
 "What is going on up there?" They both heard her mother
shout from down stairs. Anne grabbed a towel and wrapped
herself with it.
 "You've got to get out of here!" She told him whispering
very loudly.
 "Anny, are you all right in there?" Her mother asked
knocking on the door.
 "What now?" Jason whispered.
 "Lock the door!" She whispered back.
 "Anny?" her mother asked. Jason reached for the lock, but
the doorknob turned before he could reach it. Mrs. Johnson
opened the door. He slid behind it. Anne jumped out of the
bathtub to grab the door before her mom would open it wide
and hit Jason who squeezed himself behind it and held his
 "Anne, what is all this screaming about?"
 "I'm sorry mom, the... uh... water was too hot!" she
 "Oh, OK..." Mrs. Johnson said slowly closing back the
door. Jason exhaled in relief.
 "By the way dear..." She opened the door. Jason held his
breath again quickly. "Have you seen Jason anywhere?" she
continued. Anne thought for a second.
 "Not since I got into the shower." She said smiling
nervously and closed the door, locking it.
Jason stepped forward. She gave him an evil look.
 "Sorry?" he asked innocently as if he did nothing wrong.
 "UURGH!" she shoved him against the wall. He was too
surprised to say anything. "Get out!" she shouted at him. He
unlocked the door and sprinted out. She closed the door
behind him and started to laugh, blushing when she thought
of how he heard her say his name.

    The next couple of weeks went by very fast. The two
families spent most of the time at home which made it
difficult for Jason and Anne to sneak aside into a corner
and make out. It was Friday afternoon, about one month after
Jason's family had arrived. They sat on her bed. she was
reading a magazine while he gave her a foot massage.
 "You feel like going to a movie tonight?" She asked him
while searching in the magazine for the movies that were
playing in the theater that night.
 "Sure, what's playing?" he asked.
 "Well there is this horror movie I've wanted to see for a
while now."
 "Oohhh. A horror movie ey? Why, so you could grab on to my
hand and squeeze it when there's a scary part on?" he
 "No, so you could grab on to mine." she said laughing.
 "I might just do that." He looked at her and grinned.
 "Do what?" she asked him knowing he was referring to
something else. He had a sly grin expression.
 "This!" He said and threw himself on her, tickling her.
 "S-t-o-p t-h-a-t!!" she tried to shout out, but her
laughing unstoppably made it difficult for her to speak. He
just kept on tickling her, and she couldn't stop laughing
even to breath. "P-l-e-a-s-e, I c-a-n-t t-a-k-e I-t..." She
tried to say. He stopped tickling her and she straitened
herself up breathing hard. They were both hot for each other
and the fact that they were sitting on a bed made all kinds
of horny thoughts go through their minds. They wanted to
grab each other and squeeze against each others bodies, but
they couldn't take the chance that one of their parents
might come in and locking the door would just make people
suspicious. They looked into each other's eyes knowing
exactly how they each felt.
 "Well, the movie starts at 22:00. Maybe we should get
ready." Anne said finally lowering her glance down to the
 "Yeah, OK.." Jason said as he got off the bed and out the
    At 21:30 they were already out the door and on their
way to the theater. Anne wore a cute, short, sleeveless blue
dress and Jason wore jeans and a tee-shirt. When they
reached the theater she went to buy them some popcorn while
he went to look for the right theater room.
 "Hello there." Anne heard someone say from behind her. She
turned around to face a guy about 18 years old. She rolled
her eyes ignored him and turned back to the popcorn counter.
"Hi I'm Jack, has anyone ever told you, you have the most
beautiful eyes?" he said.
 "Has anyone ever told you, you should really come up with
better lines?" she said annoyed, hoping he would leave her
alone, but he didn't.
 "Oohh, a nasty little thing, aint she?" He laughed and
looked at his friend who was standing behind them. His
friend nodded and laughed as well. "I like them firing." He
whispered in her ear, grinning slyly. She felt a little
frightened from his expression and terrified when he placed
his arm around her waist and pulled her towards him. She
pushed his arm off and headed to where Jason went to. Jack
followed her to the hall. "Where do you think you're going?"
he asked her and grabbed her hand tightly, pulling her back
to him.
 "Let me go!" She shouted at him trying to free herself
from his grip, but he was too strong for her. She searched
around to see if there's anyone who could help her, but they
were all in the theater rooms. The hall was deserted. It was
only the two of them. He pushed her gently to the wall and
pinned her hands on it holding them so she won't be able to
hit him or scratch him with her nails. She tried pulling her
hands down harder, but he was too strong! She felt trapped,
and helpless. He neared his face to her and kissed her. She
didn't kiss him back and kept her eyes open. 'Jason where
are you?' she thought to herself trying to push him away,
trying to escape. He started kissing her neck moving down
from her neck kissing her chest and moving lower. She kicked
him hard between his legs and he let her go bending down in
pane. She tried to ryn, but he grabbed her and pushed her on
the wall hard.  
 "Stop, please!" she begged him, he neared his face to
 "No." He said slyly grinning . Jason finally showed up and
looked at the two. Jack turned around.
 "Jason!" Anne said, freeing herself from Jack's grip, and
slipped away running to him and hugging him.  
 "Who's this?" Jack asked her looking at Jason.
 "What's it to you?" Jason asked, his eyes filled with
anger. Jack didn't reply. Jason wrapped his hand around
Anne's waist and they turned around heading to the theater
 "Your actually dating that little tramp?!" Jack shouted at
 "Ignore him." Anne said, but he was too pissed off. He
turned around facing Jack, gently pushing Anne away from
 "Tramp?" he said angrily.
 "Yeah that's right!" Jack said taking a couple of steps
forwards and looking him right in the eyes.
 "That's it!" Jason said and without taking a second to
think about it, punched Jack in the face making him fall
backwards. Jack jumped up and punched Jason in the stomach.
The two guys strugled punching each other and rolling on the
floor like to animals fighting over pray. Anne didn't know
what to do. She stepped back with a worried expression on
her face. Eventually one of the women that worked in the
theater stopped the fight and threw both of the guys out of
there. Anne ran out of the theater to help Jason and they
walked home, instead of watching a horror movie.

    "You should have just ignored him and kept walking."
Anne told Jason as she gently placed a towel full of ice on
his black-eye.
 "He would have started the fight anyway." Jason protested
wiping the blood from his lower lip.
 "You don't know that for sure." Anne said sitting down on
the couch next to him and placing her head  on his chest. He
put his arm on her shoulder and they fell asleep.

    It took about a week for Jason's bruises to completely
disappear. And it was the next weekend when Anne sat on her
bed at night reading her magazine and Jason crept into her
bedroom. She looked up at him.
 "What are you doing here?" she asked putting her magazine
down on her bed.
 "Well, I was lying down on the sofa when all I could think
about was grabing you and being very naughty!" he grinned.
 "Oh, so you thought that if you come up here in the middle
of the night, then you would?" She asked him laughing at
 "No, but I figured we could do something else." He said
sitting down beside her on the bed.
 "And what's that?" she asked him smiling.
 "grabbing you and being very naughty." He teased. She
smiled. He moved closer to her stroking his fingers gently
through her hair and kissing her soft lips that pushed
against his. When he saw that she wasn't resisting him, he
put his other hand on her waist and slowly lowered her
backwards on the bed. She pushed him back up still kissing
him and rubbing their tongues together. Once again he tried
to lower her down and she pushed him back up and away.
 "We can't do this here!" She whispered to him.
 "Why not?"
 "Our parents can walk in any minute."
 "They are all asleep." He said pulling her to him again,
moving his face toward hers. She pushed him away again.
 "Maybe you should go back down." She said lowering her
glance to the bed.
 "Oh, com'on... We don't have to do anything, just don't
send me away." He pleaded sticking his lower lip out making
a sad baby face. She laughed.
 "OK," she said, "but don't try anything, if I fall
 "OK." He replied cheerfully and laid down beside her on
the bed.
    The sunlight reflected through the glass window and
woke Anne up to the smell of French toast. She opened her
eyes. Jason was still asleep beside her.
 "Jason." She whispered gently shaking him to wake him up.
He opened his eyes and smiled as soon as he remembered were
he was. "You better get out now, before someone walks inside
and sees us like this." She said. He slowly lifted himself
up and got off of the bed. His hair was all messy, and he
could barely open his eyes. He got out of the room wearring
his boxers.
 "Auhh Jason..." Anne started to remind him of what he was
 "Uhm?" he asked her, his eyes closed. She smiled.
He walked out and Anne grinned and waited listenning.
 "Jason! Don't walk around with your underwear!" She heard
Mrs. James yell.
 "Oops, Sorry mom..." She heard Jason say, and laughed.  
    "How did you two sleep last night?" Mrs. Johnson asked
as they both walked into the kitchen.
 "Fine" they both answered at once and smiled at each
 "The rest of us are going shopping today, so if you kids
don't want to join us then the house is all yours today."
She said and handed them two plates with French toast and
bacon. She didn't notice the way they were grinning at each
 "I don't think I'll join you mom, I'm kinda tired." Anne
said taking a bite from her French toast.
 "I won't either." Jason said gobbling up his breakfast.
 "OK, then I guess you two will stay here today. Just do me
a favor, don't kill each other, OK?" she said.
 "OK." They both said at once and laughed.
    As soon as the door closed behind their parents Jason
looked at Anne.
 "Come here!" he said smiling.
 "See if you can catch me." She said starting to run. He
chased her all around the house from room to room, but she
was faster than him and he couldn't catch up with her. He
slid behind her bedroom door when she wasn't looking and as
she entered her room he waited for the right moment when she
stood beside the bed and then threw her backwards on the bed
and clibmed over her pinning her hands tightly to the bed.
She laughed and tried to free herself from under him, but he
was too strong and he trapped her. He kissed her, then her
neck gripping tightly to her hands so she wouldn't be able
to push him away. She didn't try to. She wanted him just as
bad as he wanted her. He pushed his body against hers and
let go of her hands. She moved her hands on his back and
closed her eyes as he unbuttoned her shirt, button after
button still kissing her passionately. He pulled her shirt
off and squeezed her breasts gently. She took off his shirt
and they rolled over. Now she was laying on him. She kissed
his masculine chest and slowly took off his pants couressing
his body with her soft hands. They smiled at each other and
kissed. He slipped his hands on her chest, moving them onto
her back and reached for her bra as they heard the house
door open.
 "Can you believe the mall was closed for repairs?" They
heard Carol say from down stairs.
 "Jason dear, where are you?!" Mrs. James shouted from the
living room.
Anne looked down at Jason who had the most disappointed look
she had ever seen. She tried to pull herself away, but he
caught her and pulled her back down kissing her. She pulled
herself away again and jumped off the bed.
 "Jason?!" Mrs. James shouted again. Anne smiled at Jason
and quickly put her shirt back on. He got dressed and they
both headed down stairs to the living room looking glum and
 "Where were you two?" Anne's mother asked them as they sat
on the sofa.
 "Nowhere." Jason replied sadly.  
    The week went by quickly. The two didn't get even one
moment to themselves. It was a Sunday
night when Anne went down to the sofa where Jason waited for
her. They didn't open the light,
they  just sat down next to each other in the darkness
kissing and holding each other tightly as if trying
to make sure they won't be pulled away from each other. They
stopped kissing and just sat down staring
into the darkness.
 "Have you ever wanted to go skinny dipping?" Jason
suddenly asked Anne.
 "I've thought about it once or twice, why?"
 "Wanna do it now?"
 "We don't have a pool."
 "Yeah, but your neighbors do."
 "Are you suggesting we should brake into their house and
go skinny dipping in their pool?" She asked
 "Yes." He replied with total seriousness without taking
the time to think about it.
 "What if they catch us?"
 "They wont."
Anne thought about it for a second.
 "Well it would be kind of adventurous." She said.
 "Now you're talking."
 "Lets do it!"
 "OK, common..." They got out the back door and climbed
over the fence into the neighbor's back          yard. The
pool was warmed up, and there was darkness all around them.
They could only faintly see each other from the moonlight.
Their hearts were pounding, and their hormones were racing
through their bodies. They
stood back to back and took off their clothes. They slipped
into the pool and felt through the water with
their hands searching for each other. Their hands met and
they pulled closer to each other till their naked
bodies touched. He moved his hands all over every inch of
her body, from her face to her neck then her
chest giving her goosebumps. She slid her fingers through
his hair and down gently moving her
fingernails on his chest making his whole body quiver. They
kissed as he reached his hands down to her
waist. He didn't mean to, but he tickled her and she laughed
out a little too loudly. A light inside the
neighbor's house opened. They quickly swam out of the pool
and jumped out running into the bushes. A
man looked out the window at the pool and a short while
later closed the light. Jason and Anne exhaled
in relief they quickly dressed up and ran back home.
    The next morning when they saw each other they couldn't
stop laughing at their little incident.
"And when he looked out the window, I thought I was just
gonna die!" Anne said bursting out in
laughter. She looked at Jason who suddenly stopped laughing
and his expression turned very serious.
"What's wrong?" she asked him worried.
"Nothing." he said in a very low voice.
"Oh common, everybody knows that if someone says "nothing"
when someone asks him what's wrong,
it means that something is definitely wrong."
"I was just thinking."
"What about?"
"Well, you might have not noticed it, but the time is moving
really quickly. I mean... I only have two
more weeks to be here." He said. Anne's expression suddenly
became very sad.
"I haven't really thought of that." She said lowering her
glance down. "I mean... we were having so
much fun, that I completely lost track of time."
"Yeah well, what are we going to do?" he asked, "I have to
go back home and who knows when we'll
ever be able to see each other again."
"I know, but lets not think about it right now. We still
have two weeks, so lets make them the best two
weeks ever and not think about it until that time comes."
She said and forced a smile to try to make him
feel better. He looked at her and smiled a bit so she would
think she had cheered him up a bit, but he
knew perfectly well that he wouldn't be able to get it out
of his mind for the rest of his stay.
    The week past by quicker than they had imagined. They
went to all kinds of different places that they
thought could take their minds off of their problem and some
of them really did help. A couple of days
past and it was four days before he had to leave. They sat
on Anne's bed kissing. Jason pulled away.
"Lets go all the way." He said and kissed her again, slowly
lowering her down to the bed.
"I can't." She said and pushed him back up.
"Why not, don't you want me?"
"Of course I do."
"Then what's wrong?"
"I don't know. It... It just doesn't feel right."
"I'm leaving in four days, we won't have another chance." He
raised his voice a bit, which made her
very nervous.
"I know, I just can't... I don't... I really want to but..."
she didn't know what to say. Tears started filling
up her eyes.
"Hey, hey I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you." He said
softly and hugged her to comfort her.
"I donno what's wrong" She said trying to calm down.
"It doesn't matter, OK? It wouldn't kill me if I didn't
sleep with you. After all we did sleep together
every night when I was four." He said and smiled. She smiled
back, but inside she couldn't help but feel
    The last four days went by. The James' were packing
their suitcases getting ready to go. They were
going to leave for the airport in four hours. Anne and Jason
didn't say a word to each other all day.
They didn't know what to say. Their hearts were slowly
braking as Jason placed his things one by one
into his suitcase. Anne watched him from the side and tears
filled her eyes and slid down her face. He
looked at her and she turned and went to her room. He
followed her into her room locking the door behind him. They
sat next to each other on her bed. For a while they just sat
there not knowing what to say. Then as Jason turned his face
towards hers they kissed as he slipped his hands doun from
her back to her waighst pulling her closer to him. Her hands
felt through his hair and down to the back of his neck. He
kissed her neck as he slipped his hand under her shirt on
her back. She took off his shirt as he slowly lowered her
backwards on the bed and took off hers. She didn't push him
back up or away. Their bodies pushing against each other,
they kissed so passionately and tenderly. They rolled over  

   The blanket covered the two as Jason laid behind Anne
with her back to him and his hand was around her slipping on
her soft skin tickling her gently.
"I've never felt so safe" She said. He didn't reply, but she
knew he felt the same way and they fell asleep.
   "Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing" The clock rang and woke them
up in a startle, It was 17:00.
"Kids, hurry up! The James' are at the door already!" Mrs.
Johnson shouted from the hall knocking on the door.
"Oh my god" Anne shouted and jumped out of the bed. Jason
jumped up as well grabbing his pants and trying to put them
on while standing up. He lifted his leg and lost his balance
falling forwards. He got up in pain and they quickly got
dressed and ran down stairs not saying a word to each other.
The ride to the airport seemed to take for ever. When they
finally got there the Jhonsons walked the James' to the gate
where they were going to part.
"Last call for flight 602 to Canada" the speaker said. The
two families hugged and said goodbye. Carol and Victoria
cried unstoppably. Anne and Jason looked at each other. They
wanted to grab each other and never let go, but their
parents were standing beside them so all they did was wave
to each other as the James' turned and started walking
towards the gate. Anne's throat painfully choking her as she
tried to hide her tears. Jason looked back at her feeling
his heart melt. Everything seemed to be going in slow
motion. She stared at him as he slowly walked through the
gate and shouted
"STOP!!!!!!!" He turned around as she ran to him as fast as
she could. He dropped his bag as she threw herself on him
and they kissed passionately without taking a second to
breath. Their tears ran down their faces as their emotions
exploded and they held on to each other so hard. Their
parents and sisters watched them with shocked expressions.
Finally the two let go of each other and Jason picked up his
bag and went on his way. Anne's heart broke as she watched
the plane slowly rise up into the air.
"I will never love again" she swore to herself as the plane
disappeared and her mother put her hand on her shoulder and
they went home.

    The sun was so hot, that it made it hard for Anne to
breath. She slowly walked to class with her head facing the
ground, carrying her books in her hands.
"Sit down everyone!" Miss Paget, her teacher tried to shout
over the excited voices of the students.
"Well, as you all know this is the last day of the year."
She said, "Today you graduate. I want you to know how proud
I am of all of you, your hard work and studies have brought
you to where you are today. I want to especially, point out
the best student in this class, Anne Johnson, who has, as we
all know, completely dedicated her whole time to nothing but
studies these last couple of years."
Everybody clapped hands. Anne gazed at her desk, not smiling
or caring about anything that was going on around her. Just
as she did for the last three years. She was 18 years old
and graduating high school, still she didn't dare smile for
a second.
The teacher babbled on about that year and the students'
futures, but Anne didn't hear a word. She stared out the
window at the trees outside that didn't move the slightest
bit. Her eyes came upon a person sitting under one of the
trees watching her. She squinted her eyes to try to make out
his face. He was close enough for her to see that he had
dark brown hair and a strong masculine body. He suddenly
stood up and walked a bit closer towards the building. As he
walked closer, she knew there was something weird about him.
He seemed very familiar. Suddenly her eyes opened wide and
she breathed hard. She jumped up and took one last look at
the mysterious person that now stood in place and smiled at
her. She felt herself weakening and thought she was going to
faint from happiness. The whole class watched her as a smile
spread on her face and the color that had been missing from
her face those last three years suddenly appeared as if she
just came back to life from three years of being buried
inside her own heart. She ran out of the class, in what
seemed to the students as, the speed of light. They all
stood up and ran to the window along with the teacher. They
watched her as she ran out of the building and straight into
his arms. Her only love's arms.

חוות דעת על היצירה באופן פומבי ויתכן שגם ישירות ליוצר

לשלוח את היצירה למישהו להדפיס את היצירה
היצירה לעיל הנה בדיונית וכל קשר בינה ובין
המציאות הנו מקרי בהחלט. אין צוות האתר ו/או
הנהלת האתר אחראים לנזק, אבדן, אי נוחות, עגמת
נפש וכיו''ב תוצאות, ישירות או עקיפות, שייגרמו
לך או לכל צד שלישי בשל מסרים שיפורסמו
ביצירות, שהנם באחריות היוצר בלבד.
איש אחד בא
לקב"ן עם חתול
ושטר של 20.
זורק את החתול
מהחלון אחרי זה
את השטר. "מה
אתה עושה?"
"שלחתי אותו

מתוך: "101
דרכים לצאת

תרומה לבמה

בבמה מאז 2/12/01 23:27
האתר מכיל תכנים שיתכנו כבלתי הולמים או בלתי חינוכיים לאנשים מסויימים.
אין הנהלת האתר אחראית לכל נזק העלול להגרם כתוצאה מחשיפה לתכנים אלו.
אחריות זו מוטלת על יוצרי התכנים. הגיל המומלץ לגלישה באתר הינו מעל ל-18.
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