He holds her by the waists
His eyes flame with blue fire
This poison that she tastes
Inflames her with desire
Why in this ball, my beauty
We dance alone forever
Your trembling long pale limbs
Fall tamed to this endeavor
And in this pounding movement
I will stand firm and tall
Be gentle to my wreckage, love
Tonight we dare to crawl"
And with a sigh
Arrested eye
Has landed still
On just how nigh
His rugged peel
Stands to defy
All harm and ill
With lashing will
To live just once"
Screamed to her ear
To live just once"
He begged his plead
To live just once"
And clutched no more
A darkened heart inside him tore |
כבר הפכתי
גרפומן הסלוגנים |
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