,the third song - on Eddie Diment's wedding day, his
barry, talks to him....
taken from a live show at the Heineken Habima Club on
You made a good choice
That woman sure looks fine
I wish that I could make
Such a woman mine.
All through the nights I
Hang round the roundabout
All those women just
Ignite my doubt
You know I'm a rover
And I can't stop running free
But a woman likes that
Can get a hold of me
Chorus {Eddie}:
Take it easy, boy,
You have your good times good times now
I'm sure you'll find your own
Little girl and take your vow - someday
You know how my ties are fray
I could never let a lady stay
Leila will make you happy
Give you good times off your own
Your words are kind
But I remain a rolling stone
Keshet - Guitar
Gabriel Just - Vocals
Erez "Boena" Mualem - Bass
Matt "Sponge" Isaac - Drums |
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