Her body lied there
On the bed,
Clearly she was murdered.
Blood drops was found
All over the bedroom floor.
She was gutted like an animal,
And there were bullet-wounds on her body,
The gun was found
On the bedside table.
Her eyes
Were wide-open,
She was astonished.
No finger-prints,
No motive,
No suspect.
The neighbors said
She was a friendly girl,
Always wore a smile (even on a rainy day).
She had a boyfriend
Who always seemed to care for her.
But now he's gone,
The detectives smelled something rotten.
They found her car
Abandoned in a drive-way.
They had no clue,
It was under their noses,
They can't prove a thing.
It's a case closed
For him, no doubt in his mind:
They will never prove it was him.
He was a jealous type,
Always stalked her.
Called her in the middle night,
Opened her letters.
Scared away all her friends,
Built a wall around her,
She was all his,
Caged in her house like a wounded animal.
She was lonely,
Alone and trapped in her thoughts.
That room
Saw too many fighting.
That body
Was inflicted with pain.
The detective knew,
There was no doubt about it,
Yeah, the boyfriend killed her
In a storm of violence.
He left the house,
A blood-stain on the doorway.
She tried to get away,
But he locked the doors to the house.
She knew she won't escape,
He trapped her inside.
She was a tortured soul,
His plan was perfect and insane.
She was a murdered soul,
Now he's getting away... |
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