Dont know what to do,allways seeking for love,never knowing
where to stop..i cannot stop thinking"where she is?who is
she?is there anybody for me??" thinking..allways
thinking..lonley...allways lonley..wanting a love yet dont
know how to love...making only mistakes..taking everything
for granted..and never asking why,why is this pain getting
stronger,why am i thinking so much about it?shouldi think
about it?will i keep thinking about it tommorow?maybe it is
because of my stupidity..allways thinking who loves me,who
cares about me,so man faces,so many people passing by
me....while i watch the sky i begin to think."what if nobody
loves me,what if ill be alone forever...i dont want that to
happen..."never knowing what to do...never knowing what to
say...i guess im just....confused..... |