Daily routine
Get up
Wash face
Brush teeth
Brush hair
Get dressed
Walk downstairs
I stand there for a while
Some mornings I sit.
Today I sat
I sat for a long time.
Then I start making breakfast
Even if I am not hungry
I have to have breakfast
That is the rule.
Today breakfast was fine
I ate it quick
After finishing I didn't move
I do that sometimes
After finishing,
I just sit for a while
I sat for a long time.
And everything seems normal,
Even though I see it through this curtain
And everything is like it should be
Well, no, but as I said, it's normal
I get up
I wash my plate
I clear the rest
And then a sign
After all this time
I try to forget
I thought I tricked my body
But my mind is slapped
And this slap hurts so bad
The curtain becomes thicker
And I look at the mirror
And play with the image
I shut and open my eyes
But not completely
To see how the curtain looks like
From the other side
Somehow the day comes to an end
I suddenly feel tired
And the rest of the world is dead
Somehow I've gotten through another day
And I wonder why it feels so bad
Why I feel this way
And I go to bed
And lie down
And turn around
And twist again
And sometimes I sit
Today I sat.
I sat for a long time
And then I fell asleep
29/07/06 |
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