god, i miss those days...those days when everything was
okay...when people could just go out to the streets, and
just have fun. yeah, the times before the war.
i want a normal vacation. one where i can go out with my
friends, and i could travel, and i could do whatever i want.
is that too much to ask?
i just miss my friends. everyone ran to the south. ran away
from all the bombings, the helicopter noises..to the place
that i like to call "the other israel". its like a
completely different country. in this israel, people stay in
they're hoses. there are almost no people left in this
area.. it would have been so quiet, without all the war
and there's the other country. where people go out, live a
normal israely life.
i miss that.
i'm looking at old photographs... of me and my friends, in
much better times.. i admit, a tear drops from my eyes when
i see that...
oh, how we didnt appreciate those moments.. moments of pure
fun and joy..
now i just sit here, bored and missing.
i feel so alone...
why cant this war end already!? |