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חיפוש בבמה

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מדורי במה

/ I Can't Change (Demo)

When they bled the freak, the freak was me
And that bleeding freak is who I wanna be

I drank my time all I did was play
And I don't think there's nothing wrong with living that

All these walls of shame closing on me
Corporate merchendised sanity

Shut my eyes tight to stay the pain
Here I remain

They juice me down
I can't escape
When the blood is cheaper then its cure
I can't change

My time is over and I have no friend
And everywhere I turn seems to be a dead end

How my body shakes as they knock on the door
I am under a siege I can't take it no more

No more sugar for my pain
Feels like battery acid in my vain

Keep me in your fuckin' safe little box
Can't find angels of poison

Keshet - Guitar
Gabriel Just - Vocals
Erez "Boena" Mualem - Bass
Matt "Sponge" Isaac - Drums
Recorded during a rehearsal in "Surround" studios on

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תרומה לבמה

בבמה מאז 25/7/06 10:54
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