No more carved madness and elegant whispering to the
fleeting ear! No more Miraculous deceptions and shadows of
futuristic mammals! Go fishing, try lizards and hiking, trek
the great spines of wretched feminine manifestations.
Examine the rest of the story through great expecting eyes
that go no further than the vision of sealed expressions
that say: love me or end me. End me 'cause I'm here, tired
and wanting-to-know-all bewilderment and gazing, end me
'cause I'm here now, panting on your doorstep begging for
exchange of thought, through unknown channels, unknown
dreaming hours when the onlooker does not know that his
glasses are dirty, the spots are too close, the clearness is
too unimportant, the dream is lost. We feature countless
efforts of escaping the lie, usually through means of
telephoning someone and giving him false information on the
whereabouts of his great lover. We're paddling nowhere! thus
I cried upon wakening, finding that my ceiling has fallen
through the night and the moon which kept lightning my bed
during the essential hours has now left a scar on my cheek,
a scar later to be seen by my love, sleeping by my side,
realizing it is not I who've been there on her dream-vessel,
kissing her dream-lips and promising her dream-happiness. I
looked onwards, squinted with my easy eyes and asked: shall
we go any further? Shall we keep paddling, keep mumbling,
keep keeping things a-tight on this spin roam (foam a groan,
an island like that is shown on the evening reading at
home).... And tell me, love; and tell me mister friend to
this day; and tell me ma and tell me pa - is it true that it
is the very realizing of having been dreaming and not
remembering the night-dream's content is, in itself, and in
it's purest and only manifestation, the very essence of
forgetting oneself?
But I'm here! I've not been forgotten! It is me holding on
and on, tempting my hours with lighters and dust, keeping
the lust and pushing away trust, only rhymes and limes for
me, and I can go on forever.