Have you ever noticed that humans seem to act upon a certain
impulse, that impulse being a very strict self image which
they even created a proper decorum for? I find that funny.
The fact that you will act or do something in a certain way,
almost in a predictable pattern, only for the sake of
looking better, is funny to me.
I was in a fast food joint the other day, having the regular
piece of crap-meat hamburger with the usual synthetic fries
and over dosed sugar filled ketchup - which was called
Catsup. I was also enjoying a blend tasting liquid which was
supposedly a can of coca cola but due to the great fusion of
water in it I could not make the difference between
industrial water and a bottle of expired milk.
I was sitting alone at the time, taking short but sturdy man
size bites out of my death-burger while glancing into the
window. I was sitting in a Carl's Jr. on La-Brea and Santa
Monica, a conjunction of streets in West Hollywood, a place
for the dull-witted and the superficial. Not too far away,
the great and fancy Hollywood boulevard was resting up yet
for another night of mischief and tomfoolery.
I was on the way out of the joint when I saw this American
guy, buying this huge canister of coke, about 3 liters worth
for 3 or 4 dollars. I was wondering why he did that, since
the refills in the place are free, and one can save a few
dollars if he just bought the small drink and constantly
refilled it. The guy had another philosophy; buying a small
drink seems to illustrate a lower class financial status,
so, in order to look wealthy and of course a pompous,
arrogant piece of crap, one must throw 3 extra dollars for a
3 liter drink with which, those 3 spent dollars could buy
you 4.5 liters of coke actually, a loss of money and a great
waste. I failed to see the logic, but for him it was as
perfect and correct as me taking a piss in the morning.
As I walked away from the fast food joint, I had the luxury
of spending my remaining 3 dollars on a pack of smokes,
while the other guy, which spent all his small bills on that
3 liter coke, was stuck without cash for this parking meter,
well buddy, the joke's on you as I see it, if you only
bought the small coke you would not have to throw 300
dollars on getting rid of that parking fine... |
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ביצירות, שהנם באחריות היוצר בלבד.