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New Stage
חיפוש בבמה

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מדורי במה

מתן מרטון
/ Caffe Adler

Night time
Sitting in his living room
An architect of fear and idiology
Betried by the tides of history
Twenty seven years at the top of the tower
He rules he's domain with absolute power
And now stripped of his pride
Seated in his chair
He watch's as the two worlds collide
Turn to one
His greatest nightmare is now reality

Fueld by fear he screams at the tv
An eastern leader
That was led by a dream
to preserve the iron cuartin
So grim
Once a proud fuhrer
But now just one of the masses
A poor old beggar

But he is just one in a dinasty
That came to power with the death of a dinasty
That might have made the whole world shiver
But now beings to crack and quiver
By the people it once tortured
And nations no longer a accepting fear and torment
As a way of life
As a way of dying
Dying for those in the shadows
Miles and miles away

And on the street the crowds gather
Ready to fight for their right to go over
to reunite with friends and familes
After twenty seven years of isolation
And fourty three years of  heart rending oppression
And an old woman cries as the world observes
Absent minded soldier stands baflled
Not knowing how to behave
Un willing young man turned to slaves

They are one of the same nation
Yet divided by persecution and aggression
Years of fear
Stird in shadows
And people who are long gone
But remain in absolute power

In the bleak of night
Walls are coming down
While local bureaucrats are left  to be paralyzed
A revolution before they're eyes
On they're guard
The beggining of the end
A new day for all
And the millions will lead the world to freedom
And rejoice for the sound of liberty
The day has come for you but not me

And so
Almost twenty years later
A world still in pain and tears
As little man are still suppressing whole lands
In the name of ideology
And for their personal gain
Money is the name of the game
But don't look so surprised
Cause maybe unknowingly you are the one to blame

No man should live his life affried
That any minute now will an armed man
Burst through his door
And take away his loved ones and friends
And that his children would be forced to board a train
That will lead them to place in a far off land
Just as was written in the elaborated plan
The finel solution
Of a madman

But dont give up yet
Just Listen to what i say
Because one day
Librety will come for you and me
Togther we will deafet the agony
With shere belief
We'll bring tranquility
To the world
To our land
Because we must
Because we can

חוות דעת על היצירה באופן פומבי ויתכן שגם ישירות ליוצר

לשלוח את היצירה למישהו להדפיס את היצירה
היצירה לעיל הנה בדיונית וכל קשר בינה ובין
המציאות הנו מקרי בהחלט. אין צוות האתר ו/או
הנהלת האתר אחראים לנזק, אבדן, אי נוחות, עגמת
נפש וכיו''ב תוצאות, ישירות או עקיפות, שייגרמו
לך או לכל צד שלישי בשל מסרים שיפורסמו
ביצירות, שהנם באחריות היוצר בלבד.
נו, באמת.
מה? מה?
מה עשיתי לכם
שאתם נועצים בי
מבטים כאלה?

תרומה לבמה

בבמה מאז 26/3/06 0:31
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מתן מרטון

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