Thanks for small favors - so we say.
Knowing that blessing rain isn't small,
Neither are words, a poem, and a smile if I may.
Wet socks and muddy boots - we pay
For loving Indian summer's red fall,
And thanks for small favors we say.
Each morning for more we pray
Of these no small marvels at all -
The words, a poem, even a smile, if I may.
Begging heaven to forever stay
Young, handsome, able and tall;
Yet thanks for small favors, is all we say.
And love, oh that, even for just one day
Is never considered small,
Like the words, a poem, even a smile, if I may.
Our hopes we keep from fading away,
Lord we worship, the angles we call;
Yet thanks for small favors is all we say
For the words, a poem, even a smile, if I may.
לדפ - שאפילו את גרזן הזהב מניפה בחן ובעדינות.
פברואר 2006 |