As she looked at the food she felt sick.
She wanted to eat it so much, but she won't.
She won't even smell it.
It's full of fat.
She is full of fat, and she will never eat.
Even when her mom tells her she looks bad, that she looks
like a walking corps, she knows that her mother lies.
She lies because she hates her.
She hates her because she is fat.
So fat.
And ugly.
She will never eat.
She needs to clean her body.
To be pure.
To be free.
She can't stand herself anymore.
No one can stand her anymore.
How can they stand her, or god-forbid love her?
She's fat.
So fat.
And bad.
She never does anything good.
Except... not eating.
This is the only thing she manages to do well.
This is the only thing she has control of.
She will never eat.
Even if she'll die from it.
Well, at least...
she will die