White cotton gloves and a hat
I went all the way to the wood
Chasing the bees with my bat
I removed as much honey I could
Baked muffins, a bun
Fetched butter and milk
Set a table for one
With a white cloth of silk
Into the pantry I sneak
Like a gray little mouse
Solemn, no squeak
None but me in the house
Through the slits of the blind
I can see you come in
From the door of behind -
How delightful the scene
I am certain it's greater a fun
Having coffee fresh and hot
Lots of honey on your bun
Will you honestly say it is not?
Oh you know, very bold
Is the trap in my tale
From a cage of pure gold
No one wishes to bail...
In: Willie's disciple and the witch |
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ביצירות, שהנם באחריות היוצר בלבד.