It was a long-shot from the beginning'
Upraise of my confidence
After so long I felt my heart was beating'
Or maybe just that glance
Made me feel like I really had a chance
But I can see it in your eyes
You are chasing the wrong guy
I prefer not to love at all,
if all it gives me is a hole-
a hole in my heart
They said that it wouldn't make a difference
They made me feel alright
But I know it matters
You won't love me today
I won't force you to stay
If you could only see what's inside
If you could only see my other-side
If you could only dare to feel my touch...
Just when I thought I had a chance, just when I saw that
You were chasing the wrong guy
It makes my feel a part of me is gone
But it wasn't really there
You've never been mine
I've never had you at all
Now all I got is a hole-
a hole in my heart |