Not Hopeless
Cold of the wind
Still of the night
Try to keep these tears
But it seems to be so hard
I'm alone in my room
Feeling so sad
Try to fall asleep
But so empty is my bed
Dreams of you and me together
Have vaporized like the steam
Illusions that you stay forever
Have left the pain deep within me
I can't give up s must live
I'm not hopeless, I believe
That someday you'll return
And again I'll have a chance
To look into your eyes
And hold you in my arms
Touch your tender lips
Do the things that I so much miss
Gone are the days
When you were so near
Now when you're so far away
Your voice is all I want to hear
Long are the days
But longer are the nights
Tell me where are you now
I wanna hold you so much
Dreams of you and me together
Have disappeared like the steam
Illusions that you stay forever
Have left the trace deep within me
How many days and nights
Do I have to bear this pain within my heart
Trying not to fall apart and keep this faith
That I'm still on your mind
My face, my eye, my smile
How many days and nights
Do I have to wait that someday you return
Without you I'm so lost, so tired, so sad
Feeling so alone
זה עיד שיר מקורי מאת דייאנה ציצואשווילי.
הביצוע( כולל מילים ) כמובן שלה והפלייבק כמובן שלי :)
המציאות הנו מקרי בהחלט. אין צוות האתר ו/או
הנהלת האתר אחראים לנזק, אבדן, אי נוחות, עגמת
נפש וכיו''ב תוצאות, ישירות או עקיפות, שייגרמו
לך או לכל צד שלישי בשל מסרים שיפורסמו
ביצירות, שהנם באחריות היוצר בלבד.