It was a nice day with hot sun, but it was not like this in
the witches' house. The witches' house was different. There
was something bad, dark, and weird there. Everybody knew it.
The witches made many bad potions. The children wanted it to
stop, so they went into the witches' house. ''Why are you
here?!'' asked the witches, ''Go!''
''No!'', said the children.
''Haaaaaam... brave children... so we will lock you in the
room!'' said the witches.
''No, please no!'' said the children.
''Yes!'' said the witches and locked the children in the
''Please, we can't get out?'' said the children.
''No!'' said the witches, ''And if we do all you want?''
said the children. ''Haaaaaam... Ok! We will give you a
task!'' said the witches.
''We will do it'', said the children.
After two hours the witches took the children from the room
and told them the task, ''You need to eat ice cream!''
''This is the task?'' said the children. ''It's easy!'' said
Shai. ''And fun!'' said Hilla.
''Let's see'', said the witches and gave one ice cream to
one child.
''Done!'' said the children, ''We can go home now, we
finished the task!'' said the children.
''No, no, no!'' said the witches, ''You're not done yet.''
''What do you mean, we're not done yet''?! You said, ''Your
task is: to eat one ice cream''! So why are we not done
yet?!'' said the children.
''But we didn't say that this is the end of the task...''
said the witches, ''You need to eat more ice cream!''
''Ok! It's easy and fun!'', said the children, and then they
ate the ice cream, ''Done, we are done! Now, can we go
home?'' said the children.
''Not yet, little mouse, not yet, you need to eat more ice
cream!'' said the witches. ''Ok, it's easy and fun!'' said
the children. After, they needed to eat more and more and
more, and the children did not want more!
But the witches gave the children more and more ice cream,
''Stop! It's too much ice cream, please stop!'' said the
''Ha, ha haa! We will not stop; we will give you more and
more ice cream! You see?! It's not as easy as you thought,
ha, ha, ha!'' said the witches and they gave the children
more than 10 ice cream cones.
''Please! We will do all the tasks in the world, except this
one, Please!'' said the children.
''Haaaaaam... Ok! You need to take the key and swim with
the sharks. One shark is not a real shark, he is a robot!
(But he looks like a normal shark.) You need the key to open
the robot shark and take out the blue key. Then swim back to
the beach. On the beach you need to dig in the sand and take
out the treasure box. With the blue key, open it and inside
the treasure box you have a map to find us. When you find
us, you need to show us the keys, Ok?'' said the witches,
''You are crazy?! We will die!'' said the children.
''Your fault! You didn't want the first task! So we gave
you a harder task!'' said the witches and they took the
children to the beach.
''Please no!'' said the children.
''Ha, ha, ha! Your fault!'' said the witches and pushed the
children into the ocean.
''Help me! I don't now how to swim, heeeeeeeelp me!'' said
Dani, ''No! You need to do it! If you don't do it, you will
die!'' said the witches. Then Dani cried and died.
''You see?! Now Dani died! If you don't do the task in 5
minutes you will die too!'' said the witches and put a timer
in the big clock. The children did the task after 4 minutes,
except Shir.
''Shir, you can do it! You can, you can!'' said the children
''I cannot, I can't find the treasure box!'' said Shir.
''Come on, Shir, come on!'' said the children.
''I found it!'' said Shir, ''O.K but you have only 10
seconds to find us!'' said the witches.
''Oh, no! It's not good!'' said Shir. Shir had only 4
seconds, and she did not find the witches, yet! After 3
seconds, Shir found the witches. She ran toward the witches
and she gave them the keys, but she did the task in 5
minutes and 1 second. The witches ran toward the children,
to kill them. The children ran and ran and by accident, they
ran to their sunny house and the witches died from the
light. Since then, there was no more evil in the world. |