in the morning when i wake up
looking at the mirror,brushing my teeth
i always have this kind of feeling that i need to say
to all the people that made me what i am
and when I'm alone i always wondering of how it would be
to live the life like i'm the biggest star of reality TV
but i'm this little guy,that's who i am
in this morning show life
i have to always think twice
and selling my soul out,for not being unknown
and i can simply make a move
and you can only realize
but aren't we all just a little out of our minds
and aren't we all just a little crazy
and aren't we all just a little wild
we like to take our breath away
and smile without having a reason why
we worship all that madness
that always keeps us going on
and that's why we get a little crazy
when we're having fun
so just leave us alone
we complete each other when we talk alike
we always need each other so just let us
only believe one in the other
and let us have our faith in ourself
and aren't we all just a little nice
letting everyone else have the biggest slice of the pie
that we call love and life and lots of other little more
but you know that we all just a little crazy
and aren't we all just a little wild
we like to take our breath away
and smile without having a reason why
we worship all that madness
that always keeps us going on
and that's why we get a little crazy
when we're having fun
so just leave us alone
we just want to live our life
and make you feel o.k
and we just want to see you
blow your mind and push your boundaries away
every little one of us the 6 billion us
will smile eventually
but since we all are just to normal
let's start act crazy
like me
are we?
and aren't we all just a little crazy
and aren't we all just a little wild
we like to take our breath away
and smile without having a reason why
we worship all that madness
that always keeps us going on
and that's why we get a little crazy
when we're having fun
so just leave us alone
we just want to live our life
and make you feel o.k
and we just want to see you
blow your mind and push your boundaries away
every little one of us the 6 billion us
will smile eventually
but since we all are just to normal
let's start act crazy
just like me
are we?
סלוגן לבמה
זה דבר כה נפלא
מתחכם ושנון
אך עם זאת טעון
איך נאמר
להתחיל לכתוב פה
היתה טעות |
המציאות הנו מקרי בהחלט. אין צוות האתר ו/או
הנהלת האתר אחראים לנזק, אבדן, אי נוחות, עגמת
נפש וכיו''ב תוצאות, ישירות או עקיפות, שייגרמו
לך או לכל צד שלישי בשל מסרים שיפורסמו
ביצירות, שהנם באחריות היוצר בלבד.