I belong to a world of endless night, an eternal darkness
The sign of death is crystal clear
"Abandon all hope, ye who enter here."
A hole that pierces through the blood-red sky
Allows my aching soul to look up high
To see Heaven and its joy, so bright
To hear their laughter, so light
But I also see the bars of steel
And I know that be there I never will
That I shall never cross the gates of gold
For I bound to stay within this winter cold
So here I'm trapped, in life's dismal cell
I see Heaven but live in Hell,
I try to reach to Paradise
To know the lady so cute, so nice
But I always fall, each time I err
And God above, He doesn't care
So here alone I sit and stare
Doomed within hope and despair
Yes, the sign of life is crystal clear
"Abandon all hope, ye who enter here."
(October 2010) |
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