Slience Creation - Let me Out 2 - Live Habima
כלוא בתוך מוחו. זועק לברוח מהחופש.
So why kill another day while we can kill each other
It's boring out there
There's nothing left to do
It's boring out there
There's only me and you
So why kill another day
While we can kill each other
So why kill another day
Why bother
Let me out
Let me out
You said you're gonna leave me
But you can't live without
So, let me out
It's boring in here
You're lying next to me
It's boring in here
It's boring to be free
So why kill another day
While we can kill each other
So why kill another day
Why bother
Let me out
Let me out
You said you're gonna leave me
But you can't live without
So, let me out
Let in OUT
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ביצירות, שהנם באחריות היוצר בלבד.