This is your first song from me
It's not to say there'll be any more
Though stranger things have happened before
So take or leave it you see
There's nothing here but words that are thrown
Strings attached to my guitar alone
I won't forget the way you slept and told me play me
something nice and I thought it appropriate to play a song
by Bright Eyes that went "This is the first day of my life".
I felt I understood the words that night
This is my first song to you
Perhaps there are a few more to come
I can only hope for some
But if it all ends with one
It still had to be done just to say
Thank you for being kind that way
I won't forget the way you crept around my wounded soul
allowing me to feel the depth of lyrics that are golden like
"Yours is the first face that I saw"
I know just what they mean I'm pretty sure
This is your first song from me
I know there may not be any more
But stranger things have happened before