A year and a half has already pass by.
i look at myself,
such a different person,
I'm not that little girl anymore
everything is changed in my life
everything is kind of else,
it is something else.
something amazing,
something different that i never new before.
i learned so many,
get purposes in my life.
i know what i need,
i know what i want
and i know how to get it.
I'm gonna fight until the end
I'm gonna win
i believe in that
i want to win
i want the money
thats everything to me now
that's the way to have the best life ever
the life that everybody r thinking about
the life that I'm dreaming about all my life
thats everything that i want now from my life
thats all i need.
focus in life
go all the way
never give up
always win
always win
always fight
phoenix |
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לך או לכל צד שלישי בשל מסרים שיפורסמו
ביצירות, שהנם באחריות היוצר בלבד.