Catch catch catch me
As I fall
I tried and I tried and I tried
But what the hell
I couldn't
I fell
I fell out of love with everything I loved
The sea is contaminated
My safe place is toxic
And I am alone
Catch Catch Catch me
If you can
It's not too late
I tried and I tried and I tried
But time did its thing
I did mine
I failed
I failed like I always do in everything
Because that's what I am good at
I failed in another test
Yes, I am alone
Catch Catch Catch me
You see- I tried
But I fell
I couldn't
I fell out of love with everything worth loving
Maybe I'm not worthy
Maybe it wasn't worth it in the fist place
But guess what
I'm still alone today.
I fell out of love with everything I loved
The sea is contaminated
My safe place is toxic
And I
Am alone
17 March 09 |
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