Chapter 1 - The beginning of the Light
"Be quiet", the young boy told the girl that was with him,
"if we get caught now we'll be dead", he looked behind him
to make sure Mina was alright and was ready to move on his
signal, Mina seemed frightened but he knew she will not let
him down, he then looked forward again only to see what he
was waiting for, the guard turned his head for a moment,
"Now!", Kay yelled, and started running, for a moment he was
worried that Mina was caught but was too afraid to look
behind, a moment later he was relieved to hear her footsteps
following his own.
"You two, stop right there!", he could hear the voice of the
guard, and a moment later he also heard the dreaded sound of
his footsteps, 'once we reach the fields we'll be safe', he
kept thinking while running as fast as he could, but it
seemed that edge of the field was approaching much too
slowly, he was sure they will be caught, and was listening
closely for his friend's footsteps, afraid she will be
caught as she seemed to be much slower runner then he was.
Finally, after what seemed like forever, he reached the end
of the corn field, by now Mina's steps sounded a lot weaker
and he had to stop and look behind, the huge guard has
almost caught her and she seemed to be slowing down, Kay
extended his hand screaming, "just a bit more, grab my
hand", and just as the guard was closing his hand on her
shirt she grabbed his hand and with a big yank he pulled her
into the field and out of the guard's hands, the corn was so
high that it was impossible to see the two kids in it, they
have eluded him.
The two kept running for what seemed to them to be hours,
until they reached the other side of the corn field and into
the riverside, now sure they have managed to escape the
guard, the two ten years old collapsed on the river bank and
tried to catch their breath, and then with a huge grin the
both took out the huge peaches from under their shirts and
just begun to laugh, they got out with it again...
...Kay waited for a long time under the huge tree, Mina was
supposed to be there twenty minutes ago, maybe her parents
caught her trying to sneak out, they were always trying to
keep them apart, they seemed to think, probably not without
a good reason, that he was a bad influence on her, always
saying how "that orphan boy" was nothing but trouble and was
always causing mischief, and was getting little Mina into
trouble... well, they weren't wrong, but he was always
having the best time when he was with her, and she always
told him she was too.
Finally, almost an hour after they have decided to meet, he
heard a sound from above him, only to see Mina's upside down
head appearing in front of him, a huge smile on her pretty
face, Kay jumped back, hitting the tree trunk with his back,
Mina was laughing hard at the look on his face as she easily
climbed down off the tree, "That's not funny", he said
grudgingly, "I thought you were a killer monkey", Mina was
only laughing harder, "with your face it was easy to mistake
you for one", he really didn't think so, and Mina knew it as
she laughed so hard she had trouble breathing.
When Mina ceased her laughing the summer's sun has almost
disappeared behind the mountains in the west, "good going
Mina, because of you we might miss it again", he said to her
while the quickly walked toward the main road, "you're not
chickening out right? we said that today we're definitely
gonna do it".
"No way, anyway, the look on your face was worth it", she
"Why were you so late", he asked.
"My parents caught me going out, I had to sneak out of the
window, now come, or we'll miss the last shuttle", she said
and started running, the twelve year old looked at her for a
moment, thinking she's becoming prettier every day, before
starting to run after her.
"Him", Kay said, gesturing toward the man coming their way
on the road to the shuttle.
"I don't know", Mina said, "I have a bad feeling about
"We don't have a choice, the shuttle will set out every
minute, he's probably the last one, and from tomorrow until
next summer the shuttle will only run before dusk", he said
with a hard stare.
"Ok ok, I got it", she answered, then after seeing his stare
added, "I'm not chickening out, really, in fact, change of
plan, you're gonna be the distraction"
"But...", Kay tried to argue, knowing she will be much
slower if they need to run.
"No but", she said, as if reading his mind, "we're not gonna
run, it's just a test to see if we can, we'll return
everything later.
"Ok", he relented, even though he was the one with the bad
feeling right now, he got up and stood in the middle of the
road waiting for the man, while Mina was hiding behind some
As the man reached him Kay said, "please sir, I need help, I
can't find my little brother".
The man stopped and looked at the boy saying nothing.
After a few moments of silence Kay added, "Will you help me
mister?" but the man only kept looking at him saying
nothing, the man's strange behavior was beginning to
frighten the boy and he was about to call the whole thing
off when he heard the scream.
Mina was apparently much better then he thought, even though
he was facing her direction and expecting her he didn't even
notice the young girl creeping behind the man, he did notice
her after the scream though, she fell backward, holding her
hand as if it was burning, a huge ring fell from her hand,
probably taken from the man's pocket while Kay distracted
The man ignored the stunned boy in front of him, and the
screaming girl by his side and gently picked the ring from
the ground, inspecting it carefully before putting it in his
pocket, then he simply extended his hand and held the hand
of Mina that was apparently hurting enough to make her
scream, and picked her up... no, not helping her stand, but
picking her up and holding her high in the air by her hand
with a single hand, and without apparent diffuculty, it was
unclear how a normal sized man could hold her so high.
Mina then started screaming worse then ever, as if his touch
was causing her excruciating pain, by now Mina's scream have
reached the men on the shuttle just up ahead, and now the
voices of the men coming as well as lights from torches were
drawing near.
Kay was having hard time to think by then, he wanted to help
his friend, he wanted to run away, he wanted to scream for
help, but he could do nothing, his body did not listen to
him at all, but as the voices came closer all he could think
or feel was a growing feel of hope... they were saved.
The strange man looked in the direction of the coming
torches and simply raised his hand.
Unable to move, Kay could only see what happened behind him
with the corner of his eye with the final light from the
dusk, but it was so unbelievable that he just refused to
believe it.
Blocking the men approach, a colossal amount of earth just
simply arose from beneath, and where there used to be a road
just a second ago, now stood a huge cliff, wide enough so
that no end could be seen to it in the boys eyes, but none
of it registered to the boy's mind, the only thing that was
registered was that there was no help coming.
Then, just in front of him, he finally understood, he
couldn't understand why he thought this was a man before, it
was clearly a demon, just like in the drawings of the books,
but the books was without comparison with what was in front
of him, it wasn't that the man turned into a demon he always
was a demon but for some reason Kay thought it was a man.
It seemed that Mira have noticed what it was too, as a
scream more terrified then anything Kay have ever heard came
out of the girl's mouth, the huge demon looked into Kay's
eyes and what Kay was sure was a smile came over the demon's
face, the demon put his hand on Mina's chest, and with no
blast and no strike, a second later she stopped screaming,
the demon then released her hand, and she fell on the
ground, and lie on it, not moving.
Wings larger then the demon himself then sprouted of him,
and he bolted upward, only to disappear in mid air a second
As soon as the demon disappeared Kay found he could move
again, he ran toward Mina's form on the floor, she didn't
move, as if asleep, but her eyes were wide open, he wanted
to wake her up to check that she was alright but he just
couldn't make himself try, something was wrong with her he
wasn't sure what but something was, he just held her,
hugging her while tears started coming out of his eyes by
themselves, there should have been enough commotion around
by now but he couldn't hear anything, all he could hear were
the screams of his friend as he was powerless to help her,
but she did not scream anymore now, and then he understood
what he felt wrong with her, she was too still, he couldn't
even see or feel her breathing...
...Kay jumped up from his bad, he could still hear Mina's
screams ringing in his ears, it took him a few moments to
realize it was a dream, it wasn't the first time, for the
last three years he always got up with those screams in his
ears, he always realized it was just a dream and felt
relieved, only to always realize that it was not just a
dream, all of this really happened, and with that
realization he always felt the huge hole in his chest,
eating him up, that hole was for his one true friend that
was now lost forever, and he was the one that was
responsible for it.
Kay made himself get up, he looked around him on the run
down room he so hated calling "home", the walls were filled
with drawings of the demon and writing of everything he
could remember of the demon.
One particular symbol was everywhere, on Mina's body no
wound or reason for her death could be found by the healers,
the only wound that could be found on her was on her left
palm, it was a symbol that was burned into it, Kay guessed
it was from the ring Mina tried to pocket from the demon, it
was the only hint he had of the demon's identity but he
could find no information on it.
Kay went to the small cupboard and took out a few biscuits
and a bottle of water and started eating, he considered for
a second of going out of the house this day, but dismissed
it quickly, there was no book merchant today, and he already
checked every library in town for information, and in vain,
he still had enough money from his last job to last him for
a while, and of course there was no reason for him to visit
the town, they all blamed him for everything that happened
that day and even called the new mountain that appeared near
the town "Kay's cliff", no one believed his story but no one
had a better explanation then that, and soon no one would
even speak with him, recently the quiet was so unbearable to
him, especially because when it was too quiet he could
usually hear Mina's screams, that he started to speak with
himself, only to end the silence.
Kay was beginning to read the notes from the wall again,
trying to think on anything that he might have missed these
past three years, "What are you? How can I find you?", he
was asking himself aloud, "what kind of demon can create a
mountain with a move of his hand? How can I defeat such
'...I can help you', Kay heard a voice, he looked around and
searched for the source.
"Who is there, show yourself", Kay yelled.
'I know who is the fiend you want, I want him too', the
voice seemed to come from nowhere.
"Show yourself", Kay now screamed, he could feel madness
comes over him for a long time now, it seemed it was finally
'you are not mad, not yet at least', the voice said again,
'I can help you'
"you are not real", Kay said quietly.
'yes I am, I can help you, listen to me', but the only thing
that Kay said, repeating over and over again was "you are
not real"...
...'I want the same thing as you, we can help each other',
the voice said again.
"even if you are real, which I still not convince you are,
how can I be sure this is not a trick?", Kay said quietly,
trying to prevent anyone else from hearing him speak in the
speak he was going through.
'we can make a pact, I cannot go back on the terms of a
pact, you read enough about my kind to know it', said the
voice pleadingly, after those two years of trying to
convince the man he was finally getting somewhere.
"I have nothing to give you, you have already cost me my
home and everything I ever knew", Kay answered.
'I want nothing from you, all I want is the same as you, to
destroy the demon that hurt us both so much, as for your so
called house and your town's folk, they all hated you and
you hated that house, and you started talking with yourself
long before you started talking with me, and I always told
you, you did not have to mouth the words, it's enough to
just think them', the voice insisted.
"Then I will really feel like I lost my mind, I need
something tangible, even if it's my own voice, it's bad
enough that you don't have any, anyway, if you want to help
me just tell me about him", Kay retorted.
'I fear that your death will also cause mine, and finding
that fiend, or even going in the right direction of him will
surely cause your death, no, alone you have no chance, but
together, and with a lot of training, we might have the
strength to somehow kill him someday', the voice insisted.
"let's say I do agree with you, freeing you will only hurt
more people, I have already caused enough suffering for my
lifetime", said Kay with now louder voice, the people around
him starting to look his way.
'Then it will be on your terms, I will relinquish control
completely, I will give you all my powers and will erase my
mind completely, you will have full control', the voices
finally surrendered.
"Then how will I know the identity of the demon?", Kay
asked, now really considering the contract.
'We'll put it in the contract, when you will reach a power
enough for vanquishing the devil the information will reveal
itself, I have to warn you though, this might take time, the
fiend is powerful enough for even the rulers of the hells to
consider a threat', the voice said in bitter triumph.
"So... how do we do it?", asked kay, deciding.
'You know most of it, you'll basically need a parchment, a
lot of blood, and my name, which is Tralakhan'...
Chapter 2 - The beginning of The Darkness
Tralakhan, that was the name of the demon that has inhabited
the mind of Kay for all those years, not much is known about
it, only what Kay could piece together from what the demon
have told him and from the remnants of the demon's lost
Tralakhan was the demon's name, but from what Kay pieced
together it was not always so, the demon had a mortal life
once, and it seems that the reasons for both it's ending and
the beginning of the never ending one in hell, and as the
lowest of hell even, could all be blamed on one fiendish
being with terrifying power, Tralakhan was somehow seduced
by the arch fiend and had his soul corrupted to it's core,
until there were no place other then hell for him, and it
was then that the arch fiend ended his life, and so
Tralakhan was born.
Tralakhan hated the arch fiend so much for it that he was
ready to give anything, including his own existence to
achieve that end, but his weak powers could not have even
let him gain much ranks in the realms of demons, which was
the only way to gain enough powers in the underworld, but he
could never accept the fact that he was doomed to be not
only in hell, but also the weakest of, one plus of him being
so weak was that a small power such as him could go
unnoticed by the higher ups, his power was just too weak to
detect, and so he managed to escape hell, at least his mind
did, as physically escaping hell was impossible for all but
the strongest of hell's inhabitants.
Tralakhan was going to search a way in another plane of
existence to achieve the power to fight the arch fiend, but
just as he managed to escape hell he found himself locked
somewhere else, a place that lacks a way to describe, and
equally hard to escape.
It took only a few days for Tralakhan to start screaming for
help, but there was no voice in that place, and it seemed no
one to hear him either, but still he continued, and for
years he did just that, little by little he found out how to
listen to the other voice without sound, and in the end he
understood, he was trapped in a mortal's mind.
Why he was locked inside a human's mind he never did find
out for certain, but the best guess he could make was that
his incorporeal soul was drawn to a material ground, and it
seems that among all the multiverse there was one that had a
passion as identical to his own so much that the two persona
acted like negating sides of loadstones, it was later
discovered that the human desperately needed exactly the
same thing as he did, he needed revenge, he needed the arch
fiend to be killed by his hands, and as the human mind was
just about to shatter as madness came toward it, a door was
opened in his mind, one in which demons could, and sometime
does, enter through, and in that moment their mutual hate
toward the arch fiend was so strong and so similar that it
somehow locked their two minds together.
After some thinking, Tralakhan found out a way to use that
connection, all he needed was to make the proposal to Kay...
I experimented in writing here, I assume this type of
writing was not invented by me, but I still enjoyed it like
hell, will be glad for and comments about the story, ,and if
anyone wants me to continue it, please say so... |