Thoughts, becoming words
Becoming worst
nothing seems to say exactly what I want
'cause it's been seven years
we didn't talk
and "time to move on" is not an hour on the clock.
And thoughts that came from nowhere
remind me of October
I wish you could remember
the last we had together.
Weep, becoming deep
becoming ripped
nothing seems to close such relationship
when you've been, the purest thing
I've ever seen
and I don't know you
well, it's too late to begin.
And thoughts that came from nowhere
remind me of October
I wish you could remember
the last we had together.
thoughts that came from nowhere,
how long they'll keep me sober?
Wasting thoughts on paper
and wish I knew you better.
And all I wanted...
To say hello
To let you go
And let me fall.
To say hello
Before you go
Before you're gone
To let you go...
השיר מוקדש לסבתא שלי, שנפטרה באוקטובר 2007
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