When I hear that call again
Of unknown certainty of melody
I dismiss my pain
Releasing the feelings trapped in my body
Slowly through the stream
Of violin, piano tunes and a harp
Making out of a long distance dream
A reality so clear and sharp
My right eye starts twitching
And I feel her close now
I feel her trying, reaching
I look for the right ring to vow
"Not really" the tunes are screaming in my head
The minds of all being start syncing
A standing put pond is now raging mad
It burns, so I stop thinking
She then smiles, the eye is calm
Just with a hint a distance become
Yet a soft voice is saying "come"
The dark lips trigger lights of alarm
The door is shut, I know
River of notes on a white sheet
I won't go, I don't go
And now delete
14.11.08 |