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חיפוש בבמה

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מדורי במה

מתי סקיבא
/ my luckiest day

I was walking in the street, surrounded by magnificent
buildings with an hospitability reserved for elderly
At a fraction of a moment a shine attracted my eye, It was a
golden shine which made me devote my entire attraction to it
as if my genes were passed along a dynasty of gold seekers.
Quickly enough it turned out to be a golden ring, though I
was about 3 meters away from it, there was no mistake about
it, a golden ring was shining at the street floor.
As my focus was on the ring an hand came and swaft the
treasure from the floor, I looked up, following the path of
the ring, than going along the holding hand, starting from
the lucky fingers holding the ring, through it's joints,
than to the shoulder and at last fixating on the face of the
She was an older woman, around her 40s which seemed amazed
and thrilled by having collected this treasure.
I kept on looking at her as she walked with the ring and our
eyes met with a shared amazement of what had just happened.
We exchanged meaningless words which are reserved for the
people who desire to disconnect themselves from meaningful
language and turned to walk on.
Yet it did not end there, the emotions that risen form the
discovery of this treasure did not allow us to put it to
rest. She soon contacted me, we tried to understand how the
ring got there. Immediately looking around to see if an
owner can be found looking for it's ring, we looked around
hoping no one will be found and indeed the ring was not in
We were happy, two strangers sharing this kind of happiness
was moving and I could felt the tears of god coming down on
us through the excuse of already residing clouds. More
amazing was the fact that I was happy for her, as if I
myself collected the ring.

She turned away again and I started to walk on as she
contacted me again, she said briefly that she cannot wear
this ring as her religion prevents her from doing so. I
could see in her eyes the sadness of those who have to
sacrifice their dreams and fantasies on the alter of the
cruel reality.
She slowly made the unbelievable in my eyes, with a shaking
hand she got her fingers stretched, holding only softly the
ring. She placed the ring in my hand palm which opened
naturally as a Lily opens up for the sun. At the moment the
ring touched my hand It felt like a kiss with soft lips
which was so intense that it flooded my blood with happiness
and made my entire body ecstatic.
She said that she cannot wear it and I should have it, she
said also what was already obvious - "this is your lucky
day". While she said it she had in her eyes the glance you
often find in mothers seeing their child being granted
something wonderful for him and lightning up with joy.
Her hand was stretched open at it's side, with fingers
connected and I immediately handed mine and we shaked our
hands while exchanging smiling faces.

I turned around, thrilled with how lucky I felt. Looked up
to the sky as if to say thanks and immediately looked back
at the ring which laid in my hand palm, fearing that the
temporary loss of eye contact would prove that the entire
experience was a fantasy of some sort, a day dreaming of a
wishful thinking innocent naïve person.
But it was there, still shining at me - trying to allow me
to see the sun without stretching my neck in an
uncomfortable position.
I started walking along the path I had already created
before this event took place as I heard the already familiar
and loved voice of the woman.
She was still excited I saw, she said again how lucky I am
and her eyes opened up as she shared with me that It was her
birthday which made it all the more special both for her and
for me.
We shaked hands again and than she said that she feels so
lucky for me and that she would like to drink or eat
something to feel lucky as well and she said something about
food, coffee and money.

I might have been mean or self absorbed but I knew that
language, despite of the wonderful things it allowed - the
human evolvement. Abstract thinking and hilarious ridiculing
of your opponents, was still limited.
It could not depict all the wonderful things that our eyes
see, it cannot describe how our soul departs from our body
and joins god when we fall in love and it also proves
useless when luck is involved.
I was so thrilled by the amazing luck that struck me that I
just couldn't resolve to language, I acted as if I do not
understand her words. Acting might be an harsh term, as I
was really drawn into the moment of luck and I might suggest
that my language abilities surrendered to it.
She asked me, trying to communicate regardless of the
inherit inability if I speak English. I than took the advice
I learnt from a fellow traveler I met - I stretched my hand,
back of the palm facing upward, spread my fingers to the
sides as if my hand palm was a fan opening up to protect
it's owner from the heat.
I than moved my stretched hand palm from side to side,
letting the fingers on the far sides to guide, First I
tilted the hand toward my little finger and after only a
short movement that only a crippled man could accept as a
full movement I tilted it to the other side. And there, for
about 3 or 4 times like a swing, my hand moved from one side
to the other.
I do not know how it works but the woman understood that
this gesture means that my English abilities are inadequate
for any reasonable communication. The power of this gesture
is a mystery for me, my best guess is that when someone sees
that you are incapable of performing a simple hand movement,
than you are probably crippled as well in more advanced
activities such as language.

She went on trying to communicate with me, using hand
gestures and repeating key words such as food, coffee and
money. I would lie to say that it didn't thrill me. The
giants of human kind dared to arm themselves with language
as they breached new barriers and created flourishing
settlement of thinking.
She seemed to be one of those people, and although I could
see her frustration and amazement toward my inability to
communicate with her, she continued trying as if it matters
the world to her.
At some point she took out some coins to visualize to me
what she meant by money, I was not naïve to think that
she meant something else by saying the word, however the
luck prevented any language to form a reasonable sentence
from the understood words, and so I guessed that she might
want to give me some of that money, maybe for that mentioned
food and coffee.
I handed her my hand, hoping that the money would be set in
it, but quickly took it back as if it was touching live
fire, saying to her - "no money". I couldn't live with the
feeling that faith gave me so much and I shall desire more.
I felt ashamed and that I have sinned greatly, feeling that
my sin was equal to the most horrible dramatic sins that
humans ever committed. I could see it put in line with
odysseus 's sin toward the gods - I too felt like I turned
by back toward my benefactors.
Filled with a sense of deep sadness and regret and I gave
her back the ring, I did it in one swift hand movement to
make it clear that I have decided to serve my punishment. I
looked at her with fallen eyes, said to her "no money" one
last time to make sure she understands.
She did not laugh, did not ridicule and did not look at me
as if I am guilty at offending the gods, she simply shaked
my hand and walked away.

Nevertheless of losing the ring I felt very lucky, although
I did not win it to be in my possession, I couldn't feel
unlucky, because I saw that the gods were thinking of me.
They reached out of their heaven toward ground, bothered
themselves with my well being. The ring is a non lasting
object but the god's interest is eternal.
I returned to my path, feeling now that it might be a path
set for me by the gods. They have tested me and I proved
myself to them. I did not shake my human faults out of me as
I cannot shed my skin off my body, but did show them that I
can act according to their standards. I let morality guide
my acts without second thought or attempts to find a loop
hole against my physical desires.
Walking in the path I felt good, knowing deep inside that I
do not walk alone and that they are guiding me. Looking at
me with satisfaction reserved for parents seeing their child
take his first steps - these were my first steps toward
joining them as I grow.
I walked on for some time, crossing streets, seeing people
and always sheltered from the wind, with the aid of the
elderly buildings that were planted many years before I came
to the world and grew to make the city of Paris a naturally
designed concrete forest.
After some time I reached a bridge, it was a plain looking
bridge intended for pedestrians only, it had wooden floor
which reacted happily to my every step. I started crossing
the bridge as my eyes were attracted to a distant set of
eyes. She was a young woman, around her 20s and I could
swear that my eyes and hers were connected by an invisible
thread. The starring was so intense that I could see myself
in her eyes, could see my every muscle move reflected in
I kept on walking, the distance between us growing smaller
at each step I take and as I was about to walk past her,
breaking the thread which connects us I saw her hand, it was
near the ground. The hand was soft and without any tension,
it looked as if it was about to pet the floor, but closer
look revealed a shine.
Amazement took hold of every part of my body, the woman, the
one which the gods decided to connect her eyes with mine was
picking up another golden ring from the floor.

My body could not react to this incredible event in any
effective or reasonable way, the shock from what I saw made
me look at her and laugh out loud. As if the sheer joy was
tickling me from the inside of my body. My legs did not stop
walking, my hands did not stop swinging, and my chest did
not alter it's path. My body was not able to react to what
just happened and I kept walking on by, the thread was cut
and my life continued in the path they were set in before I
started crossing the bridge.
Only a few more seconds after I finished crossing the bridge
and aligned myself to the river I dared looking back at the
bridge, I could not see the woman any more, but I knew for
certain that it was not a dream, the gods once more granted
me their appreciation and care in the form of the lucky
ring, waiting for me, wanting me to pick it up. The ring was
asking the aid of people near by and they seemed to be drawn
to me.
I could not control my happiness, the realization that the
gods want to provide me so much, share their love with me
and give me their most beautiful gifts made me feel the
luckiest person on earth.
But it did not end there, a few more minutes of walking,
passing by a young man, around his 20s, a force told me to
look back, and as I was about 10 meters away from him,
walking farther more, I saw him picking another golden
The feeling was incredible, I felt like a kid in a field of
soil which walks happily from one spot to the other, while a
beautiful stranger which feels like the closest person that
existed, plants strawberries for the kid to pick and eat.
Lucky, I can only call this sensation as feeling lucky, have
an unseen force caring for you as if you are the most
important person in the world made me feel that way.
I continued on walking, feeling so thankful for what was
happening but I could not stand still, I was about to return
to my country later that day, my one month trip to west
Europe was about to end.
And than happened the most unexpected, I saw a woman, around
her 50s holding a golden ring, shaking the hands of some
people. It made me smile wider than I have thought possible,
the luck was not only mine, It was shared through out the
city among many people.
Though the thought of being the most important person in the
strawberry field was exciting the feeling that I was part of
an happy family of lucky people made me feel even luckier.

It was my last day in Europe, I could have missed this surge
of luck in the city of lights but I was in the right place
in the right time and it made me feel even luckier.
I could easily say that it was my luckiest day.

חוות דעת על היצירה באופן פומבי ויתכן שגם ישירות ליוצר

לשלוח את היצירה למישהו להדפיס את היצירה
היצירה לעיל הנה בדיונית וכל קשר בינה ובין
המציאות הנו מקרי בהחלט. אין צוות האתר ו/או
הנהלת האתר אחראים לנזק, אבדן, אי נוחות, עגמת
נפש וכיו''ב תוצאות, ישירות או עקיפות, שייגרמו
לך או לכל צד שלישי בשל מסרים שיפורסמו
ביצירות, שהנם באחריות היוצר בלבד.
משה קצב תמורת

תרומה לבמה

בבמה מאז 24/10/09 1:44
האתר מכיל תכנים שיתכנו כבלתי הולמים או בלתי חינוכיים לאנשים מסויימים.
אין הנהלת האתר אחראית לכל נזק העלול להגרם כתוצאה מחשיפה לתכנים אלו.
אחריות זו מוטלת על יוצרי התכנים. הגיל המומלץ לגלישה באתר הינו מעל ל-18.
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מתי סקיבא

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