Pour me red wine, White light pour me
Moonshine - with your brightness fool me
Dry land - let your fountains cool me
Rule me red wine, White light rule me
Red wine bottle - red wine gave me
to its ways it charmed then slaved me
as its humble servant mould me
to my hungry demons sold me
White light from their hands redeemed me
off their thorny stems it trimmed me
White light with a white veil wrapped me
in a golden cage it kept me
Red wine, dressed as night mist - stole me
Ho, such vicious lies it told me
Red wines magick stars high 'popped' me
to the field below it dropped me
White light shivered when it found me
fading dreams strewn all around me
White light to the altar brought me
with thick musky oil anointed me
Red wine lonesome fortress built me
in it, with the rats, it sealed me
Red wine with its spirit filled me
Red wine killed me, Red wine killed me!
White light off my grave had pulled me
slow in tender steps decrueled me
White light on a cloud bed laid me
but for love - with red wine traded me
Rule me red wine, White light rule me
Dry land - let your fountains cool me
Moonshine - with your brightness fool me
Pour me red wine, White light pour me |
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