A take the breath a away from you.
My hand no more, no more on you.
My eyes see new faces, faces that don't look like you
My hard bits quiet now
But My mind on you, I just going to stop thinking on you
Stop thinking on you.
A took all the piece of the hope pot in the box named it
and Sand it to the est.
But my mind on you, I just going to stop thinking on you
One dream go away i still a fatter stand on my lags run near
the beech when a sun pomp my smile back on member on you
That should be gone, when I going to stop thinking on you.
you will gone,
Gone from my mind.
A close my lips don't kiss a love
Took a hope and feel again no body's wife
I don't a feel that a should stay a just took my lags and
I don't see someone next to me in this place
This what I won't
I won't back to my mind and you should be gone. |