November 17th ,1500 - "Michal! The spawns are coming back!
They number in the hundreds; send out the knights, all of
them. Put the archers on call and the warriors in the back
line defending the gates. I'll come soon, now go!" A grown
man by the name of Henry shouts through the knight's hall of
the top 50. "Beware, the beasts have attacked the eastern
towers of Ankriel and their villagers are heading here. The
spawns are behind them and there is a warlord among them,
it's Solereson, send everyone out and crumble him to dust in
the wind!" Henry adds with fury.
The story of how little Henry grew to be the person he
wanted to be is a long one, so we won't trouble you with it
all, but we will say that he had spent the finest years of
his childhood training to one day become a knight, and he
did. Days and nights of training and sword fighting to be
where he is today. It wasn't easy; knights are usually born
into their position, and not achieve it.
Michal heads out to the battlefield with nearly 200 more
knights; the circle of knights had grown since 20 years ago
when young Henry was but a boy. Behind him are one thousand
troops in various levels of armor. And in the castle an
equal number of archers and catapults filled with stones.
They head out to battle.
Michal and the other knights charge the evil creatures and
cut them open from every side. A swing of the sword to the
right, to the left and through the air is all it takes as
they are everywhere. But from behind a menacing being slowly
creeps forward; it is an ungodly thing with horns and small
bits of armor in private places, the rest is leather straps
and bare muscle tissue, he is red as the burning fire of the
sun above them. Solereson the awful approaches to Michal who
was fending off some small minions of his and swings his
tremendous arm at his steed. It stands on two hooves to
defend itself and knocks Michal back. He is on his feet at
once and the minions gather in a circle 10 feet away from
him to let the warlord take care of him. The angry red demon
raises its weapon, a blunt double sided axe made of solid
steel with a thick wooden handle. As it's about to cause the
untimely death of Michal a roar of rage bursts through the
minion and Henry's noble horse rams through the zombified
minions. Henry leaps off his horse and swings his sword at
Solereson's face. A loud crack is heard and then a snap.
On the floor drops a large piece of the demon's horn and a
sizeable part of Henry's sword, its steel hardened by use
had caused it to break. Henry was left standing holding a
broken blade in his hand and shocked to see the beast
standing. Solereson is angry and now turns his axe to Henry
as he gropes at where his horn used to be. There's fire in
his eyes and he's about to strike. The minions stand still
waiting for the final blow. The axe is lifted once more when
a sharp sound of sword cutting through flesh is heard.
Michal had jammed his sword through the demon's thigh, as it
was the highest spot he could reach; the genitals would be
far more painful, but demons were deprived of such a luxury.
Solereson writhes in pain and swings his axe powerfully at
Michal; he is blown away by the hit and hits the ground 4
feet further and rolls to a still point. Henry seizes the
opportunity and thrusts his broken blade through the back of
the creature's knee; it buckles and he falls back shouting
in a pang of pain. Henry then slams the broken edged blade
into the beast's eye with all his might. It twitches in pain
and its eyes bleed but it dies quickly. Henry runs to the
aid of his fallen friend Michal. the minions around them are
now standing still; without the orders of a warlord they are
useless. Henry checks up on Michal but his face is crushed
and bleeding, his pulse had ceased and he is no longer among
the living. Henry is filled with unsightly rage and proceeds
to take Michal's sword and slice through each of the
standing minions as a form of therapy.
November 21st, day 3 of the ride - The young knight of
Nirhorn that was sent out on a quest to save his fellow
knight from what seemed like certain death was on his way.
He had spent all of his life fighting those demons, but he
had never before killed a warlord alone.
Henry was riding to his final destination, the far away
fortress of Ragna-rock where the potion existed in the hands
of a powerful wizard. But on his way he had encountered a
small flock of minions led by one of the minor warlords.
Even the smallest ones among them are not to be mocked as
they were still powerful. He decides there is no time to
spare and he must go through the flock and to the fortress,
but as luck would have it, the warlord had noticed him and
sent his minions to attack the brave knight.
The battle begins furiously; Henry swings his heavy sword in
every direction he could reach; his horse pitches in and
kicks off the minions behind it. But it isn't enough; the
minions have dragged the young warrior off his steed and
begin to rip at his armor with their arms. Then a loud
battle cry is heard in the horizon. It is a group of knights
in the distance. They are all massive and wear expensive
armor. Their leader is dressed in black coated armor and
wields a painful looking long morning star which he swings
wildly as he and his knights charge at the minions. The
knights make short work of the beasts and ruin them utterly
while the leader charges at the small warlord, swinging his
weapon in long precise circles and crying, "Die maggot of
hell!" He presses a button on his weapon and the chain is
dislocated from the spiked metal ball which now is hurling
at the unsuspecting warlord. It hits right in the face,
sinking the spikes deep through the demon's brain. It
wobbles for a few seconds on its feet, then falls to its
knees, face forward on the ground, only pushing the spikes
further down into his head. The other knights get rid of the
pesky minions and the black armored knight steps off his
horse, pulls out his weapon from the bleeding face of the
demon, reattaches it, and goes to Henry to help him up.
Henry is astounded; not since he was a young boy has he ever
needed help in battle. However he made damn sure he was
never alone again, but this was an exception.
"Who...Who are you?" Henry asks. He knew all the knights and
warriors of the kingdom, but he didn't know of this talented
knight. "My name is of no importance to you, address me only
as Phantom. I belong to no kingdom, I and my elite knights
fight wherever we are truly needed throughout the land. You
seemed to need help, young Henry. Yes, I know who you are
and why you're here, keep going. You shall not be attacked
"I've only heard of this group of justice, but I never
assumed they were real," Henry glanced through the knights
behind Phantom, lined up and synchronized to perfection,
"Nirhorn is in a time of need, would you come to fight with
us? I promise you all the riches and splendor you could
dream of if you agree".
"We do not seek money, young warrior. We only want to be rid
of these foul beasts as much the next man. Nirhorn is of no
interest to us, we only come where we are needed, and
Nirhorn has always managed to fend off those demons well
enough so far. But when the time comes, we will be there".
Phantom speaks suggesting that Armageddon is near and
immediately returns to his black armored horse, and rides
off into the hills and far away. Henry appreciates the help
and rides on to his destination.
November 28th, day 10 of the journey. Young Henry reaches
the fortress of Ragna-rock. He seeks their mage all
throughout the area, but he is nowhere to be found.
Eventually the knights report to the king's castle and ask
for their wizard. The king replies to him that the wizard
had left to attend business of his own, but he left a note
saying he knew a warrior will come for a potion of his and
he left a bottle of it and a small piece of parchment that
should only be opened by the King of Nirhorn. Henry is
thankful and takes the potion as well as the letter to the
December 8th - Young Henry is nearly at the end of his quest
for reincarnation. But he is still far from the castle and
poor Michal has but one day before his flesh begins to rot
to the extent he cannot be brought back. It is night time
and they are standing at a small camp site, still miles away
from the castle. Henry is speaking to his horse, "Siron, I
know it's hard for you to ride that much but I simply must
ask of you for a favor, would you sacrifice tonight's rest
and ride till dawn so that we may be on time and save my
dear friend?" The horse looks deeply into young Henry's
eyes. He stands up and puffs as if to say he is prepared.
Henry smiles and mounts Siron. They ride and eventually make
it to Nirhorn on time, as soon as dawn breaks out.
December 9th - Henry has finally reached Nirhorn and hands
the potion to Gabriel to use on poor Michal who died in
battle. He's brought back into the world of the living, but
is feeling ill after his organs have been out of use for so
long. He quickly recovers, however, and challenges Henry to
a training battle to show the new ones how it's done.
Henry goes first; he aims and jabs the fencing saber; Michal
counters and avoids gracefully. Then Michal goes on the
offensive and forces Henry to defend himself and retreat.
Young Henry realizes the attack and moves to force Michal
into retreating; he hits Michal's arm hardly, making him
drop his saber and points the blade at his neck with a
Later that day the king of Nirhorn summons Henry to his
chamber and says he must speak to him in private. "Henry,
the note you delivered to me, it said 'the prophecy is
coming' and I gave to Gabriel it to have a look at it and he
reports some bad news. The only prophecy he could think of
was one written by the evil forces of Tartarus and it says
that on the first day of the year 1501, the demons shall
attack with all their might and there would be no way to
stop them. Chaos would rule the earth and mankind would
vanish. But there is a second prophecy, and it's the one of
King Anthony who ruled Nirhorn in the 13 hundreds", the king
sounds afraid, "It says that a blade exists that has the
power to vanquish evil and stop them for eternity. The blade
is nowhere on this earth, but it is said that one month
before the attack it shall resurface somewhere in the land.
You must look for it and find it. There is more; the blade
does not obey just any owner, it chooses its own and
therefore I'm sending all of the top 50 knights to search
for it. I'm sure one of you will be talented enough to be
the sword's chosen one. Now go, and return before the first
day of the new year or we are doomed".
Henry nods and leaves the chamber and calls upon all the
knights to embark on the new set quest all whilst thinking,
"If I'm not back in 22 days, the world as I know it ends.
How cheerful..." The 50 knights ride out of the castle
immediately to find the blade. They have 11 days to actually
find the sword before evil strikes the land and all is
December 12th, day 4 of the new journey - Henry and his
group are riding between castles and fields asking if anyone
has seen a blade just lying there. No one has said yes. They
were just about to leave the towers of Serenen. Henry is
delayed because his horse is slightly hurt, and in perfect
time too because minutes after he tells the others to go on
without him, two warlords step onto the horizon and towards
the castle. Henry spots them and tells the villagers to stay
put while he takes care of them. He had no way to call his
fellow knights back but he was a knight of the order now, he
didn't need help, it was pure chance that he was helped not
long ago.
The demons are close and a young woman runs through the
gates to Henry to give him something; she is holding a sword
forged by their local blacksmith and throws it to Henry. He
catches it and now wields two blades. Henry tells the woman
to go back but she refuses and stays just a few feet behind
him. The demons are within reach now and one is waving a
mace at him while the other holds a large blunt blade of a
leaf sword. They are both attacking Henry while he dodges
the weapons by the skin of his teeth. He places the two
blades like scissors and cuts the demon's hand off; the
beast squirms in pain but attacks on. Then the young warrior
sinks the sword into his back and leaves it there. While he
is stumbling trying to pull it out all whilst bleeding
insanely he is left to tend with one more demon. This one is
far more aggressive and charges at Henry. He can't dodge and
is hit in the waist with the mace and tossed back. The
warlord now spots the woman standing behind him; he goes for
her slowly. Just then Henry throws a rock at the demon's
head, distracting him saying, "Hey you big fucking beast,
pick on someone your own size, like a whale". The demon
drops his weapon and goes on all fours. He charges like a
bull at Henry.
Henry is standing without a weapon. But just as the warlord
gets closer Henry removes a piece of his knee armor and
points the sharp end at the demon, who doesn't pay attention
to it. He rams it head on, ramming the sharp metal fragment
into his head but also blowing Henry a good 8 feet away.
When he tries to charge again he is facing the opposite way.
The armor had pierced his brain and ruined his eyesight.
This not being a thing that would scare an average demon
warlord he charged on, only the wrong way. He kept running
the other way, so positive that his enemy was only a couple
of yards away that he ran all the way out of the castle's
horizon. Henry finally stands up. He goes to see if the
woman is alright. She is, but she wants to tell him
something, but can't seem to speak. Eventually she blurts it
out, "you saved my life", she says shyly, "I want you to
spend the night in our castle, you have earned a good
night's rest". Henry kindly refuses the offer saying he is
looking for a sword that can't be moved. The woman is lit up
like the sun when the topic is brought up and quickly says,
"That sword? I've seen it in a field not far from here just
the other day while working. I'll show you the way, but only
if you spend the night. What harm can happen if you get some
rest?" Henry finally surrenders and agrees.
He retires to a moderate room where inside the woman that
handed him the sword is waiting for him. She speaks softly,
"you saved my life, and now I owe that to you. I want to
repay you, at least with my body. Sleep with me and I'll
show you to your precious sword".
Henry is astounded by the comment; he had slept with several
women during his career as a successful knight, but never
made an offer like that before. He swallows his spit saying
if she knows where the blade is she should take him now and
after the evil forces are destroyed, he shall have her for
night and day. But she refuses; she wants it now. Henry
finally sighs and says, "The things I wouldn't do for my
December 13th, day 5 of the new journey - Henry awakes from
his bed feeling extremely satisfied and so does the woman
beside him. He gets dressed again and prepares his horse. He
wakes the woman saying she needs to lead him to the blade,
now. She follows willingly and minutes later they are riding
to a nearby field. In the center is a marble stand on which
lies a long nicely shaped blade. It has a unique shape; it
is shaped like a cross with a small circle at the base so
that it couldn't be stolen during battle, just as the sword
of the angels would seem. They finally reach the place about
an hour later, but it is as a slaughter scene in there. All
of his fellow knights are lying on the ground defeated, but
alive. He comes up to one asking what happened and he
quietly replies, "the warlords were waiting for us. They
couldn't pick up the blade so they guarded it and beat us,
they wouldn't kill us saying they would wait till every one
came, and you're the last one. Look out my friend". Henry
looks ahead and sees that from the trees and bushes at least
ten warlords have popped up and are marching to him. He is
scared for the first time of his life; it is more demons
than he had ever truly faced alone, and the horizon was
clear for miles. Phantom wasn't about to rescue him this
time. He runs for the Eternal blade lying on the marble
stand. He reaches for it, but it sends to him a current of
electricity so painful he pulls back. He tries again; again
the current, pain, and retreat. The demons are approaching
and no human made weapon would save him now. He yells out to
the sky, "Oh come on! I need some help here!" The blade
begins to glow with a strange blue aura filling the curves
of the sword into a form of a cross inside of a circle.
Henry is afraid but reaches one more time. This time there's
no current; he grabs the blade and instantly feels immense
pain. His armor glows and is changing; now he has only a
small abdomen shield, shoulder protection and knee guards,
but the blue aura covers all of him and he feels he is
unbeatable, like the Highlander, like McCloud of the time.
He charges at the warlords and feels that he can run faster,
jump higher and attack better. He swishes the sword through
the stomach of one warlord, which is cut in two at once, and
then Henry cuts the arms off another demon and the leg of
another with ease. The sword is like a knife through butter.
Henry kills all the warlords in minutes and with hardly any
effort. He puts the sword inside the special holster and
tries to help his friends up. It is hard, but after about a
day they are all well again and riding back to Nirhorn with
the blade acquired.
The woman who during her and Henry's journey revealed her
name as Kathrin asks of Henry to take her to Nirhorn with
him. Henry has given up on trying to make a point in front
of Kathrin and agrees.
December 19th - End of the second quest and back to Nirhorn.
Henry reports to the king with the eternal blade and says he
will spend the next days with his knights in training for
the great attack. The king agrees and is pleased that his
knights have recovered the weapon against evil and that they
will be safe.
January 1st, 1501, Day of Armageddon.
Henry and the men are outside the gates of Nirhorn with
weapons at hand, waiting for the attack. Inside are the
archers and behind the knights are warriors and peasants who
take their arms and join the battle. The first wave of
enemies approaches; at least a hundred warlords and nearly a
thousand minions next to them. As they get closer Henry
commands, "Fire arrows and catapults now!" Thousands of
arrows fly to their foes, killing the minions easily and
only slightly hurting the warlords who are well shielded.
The hurling stones from the catapults kill a warlord and a
few dozen minions. But they still get close enough to
exchange blades. The mighty warlords attack first; they kill
and break through some of the knights, only to be killed by
the warriors and archers behind them. The battle lasts at
least an hour when at last the final warlord falls with a
slice of Henry's eternal blade's power. 8 dozen of the
knights and warriors are dead or injured, and one hundred of
the archers are dead and a single catapult had broken. On
the horizon Henry spots another wave of some sort; he sees
dragons flying above the wave and giant warriors within it.
He is afraid of what will happen if they do not recover
soon. He orders his knights to stand ready for another
But as the wave gets closer something doesn't seem right;
there are no warlords there, just warriors of different
kingdoms. Have the demons won them over and ordered them to
attack Nirhorn? It couldn't be, but wait, who is that
leading the huge wave or warriors, it's...Is it? It's
Phantom? Yes it is! Henry is relieved to see those aren't
enemies, but rather reinforcement. Phantom approached young
Henry and tells him, "I have brought help my friend, I told
you I am where I'm needed. I have brought my army as well as
scoured other kingdoms for anyone who is willing to lend a
hand against the rise of hell on earth. The Haven kingdom
contributed their glorious knights and several Griffins,
while the Woodlyn kingdom contributed 3 of their Emerald
Dragons, and as you know, the demon's black and bone dragons
are simply revived leftovers of the Emerald dragons brought
back by necromancers. We were also lucky enough to come
across the dwarf kingdom who contributed a few dozen
warriors and 2 of their amazing Phoenix birds. Magnificent
creatures those are; giant birds of fire that stop at
nothing. On the horizon Phantom spots the second wave of
warlords; above them are 4 black dragons and one bone
dragon. The black dragons were reincarnated Emerald dragons
while the bone dragons were the skeleton remains of dead
black dragons. They had a few mobile catapults of their own
and trolls and evil sprites and every single wicked creature
the earth has ever spawned out.
The archers again fire flaming arrows and disable a catapult
and several hundred minions, but the demon's catapults fire
and ruin some of Nirhorn's defenses. Henry and Phantom go on
the attack against the warlords; together they kill one
demon after the next, Phantom with his cruel brutal tactics
and Henry with his skill and magical sword. The black
dragons faced off the Emerald dragons and Phoenix in the
sky. A phoenix was killed and his egg fell out of the sky;
he would be reborn as all of them are, but it would take
time. The Emerald dragons and black ones were even in
strength but the evil power of the black dragons was a
powerful one and they slowly beat the Emerald dragons. Just
then an Archangel from the Haven kingdom landed on the
ground and with a single swipe of his blade killed the
menacing dragons. His blade was identical to Henry's. The
Griffins were pouncing and shredding at the warlords who at
last met a worthy match. The battle raged for hours; Michal
had soon died again and so did hundreds of warriors of
Nirhorn and out of it, but at last the evil forces were
gone. Just then a loud roar is heard through woods nearby;
out of them flies a black dragon. He is five times the size
of the others and not just any beast, but this was their
leader; this was Ereisn himself. He flies to the castle and
rams his body onto it; the walls where the archers had been
standing crumble and fall. Ereisn spits fire and kills the
warriors at the gates that were behind the knights, then he
gives out another breath of fire killing the Archangel,
Griffins, dragons and knights everywhere. Only Henry
remains, and Phantom, because he stood behind Henry whose
blade had fended off the fire's attack.
Ereisn stands before Henry and via telepathy transmits to
him a message, "You have recovered the blade young warrior,
but you should know it has no effect on me, the whole blade
you hold is useless against my power". Henry charges forward
with the sword and sinks it into the dragon's leg but the
blade instantly breaks in two. Phantom runs and tries the
same with his blade; his sword sinks into Ereisn's leg and
he roars with pain. He then slams his wing into him tossing
him 15 yards away. His helmet flies off to reveal a face
Henry was sure he knew; it was the face of the Duke that
saved his life all those years ago. Apparently he had
retired from Nirhorn when Henry grew and took up training
his own group of warriors, now all dead, including him.
Henry doesn't know what to do next, but just then a Griffin
behind him stands up and shakes the ashes of the other
warriors off of himself. Ereisn doesn't notice from the pain
to his gigantic paw that the Duke had pierced. The Griffin
runs towards Henry and spreads its wings. Henry prepares and
grasps onto the beast's back. The Griffin takes off then
flies close to Ereisn's head. Henry jumps off and lands on
the dragon's huge skull and cries out, "A broken blade is
not a useless one!" The blade glows as Henry slams it into
the demon's head. Blood spurts out covering the Blade and
Henry too. Ereisn howls in pain and tries to fly away, but
about 30 yards later he falls face first into the ground. He
is dead, and the gates of Tartarus are sealed once more.
Upon examination of Ereisn's body, the blade had vanished
from his skull. Nirhorn is saved, sure, at the cost of a
thousand casualties, but warriors know they might always die
in battle; at least the citizens are saved. Henry slowly
returns to the city where everyone is cheering in his honor
and sad at the loss of others all at the same time. Kathrin
runs to him, but he cannot smile, not when so many are dead,
even if he caused the single biggest kill the world has ever
known. He has to wonder, where has the blade gone?
December 14th, Friday, 3500 - The Eternal blade lies whole
on a marble plate in small farmer's field somewhere in
Europe. A shadow approaches trying to grab to it. The blade
glows once more as the shadows of large creatures with horns
and weapons approach. A current zaps through the blade as
its ready for use, one more time.
המציאות הנו מקרי בהחלט. אין צוות האתר ו/או
הנהלת האתר אחראים לנזק, אבדן, אי נוחות, עגמת
נפש וכיו''ב תוצאות, ישירות או עקיפות, שייגרמו
לך או לכל צד שלישי בשל מסרים שיפורסמו
ביצירות, שהנם באחריות היוצר בלבד.