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חיפוש בבמה

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מדורי במה

דן סמית
/ The Prisoner


The event that would later become known as the great escape
happened on September 1st, 2007. It doesn't matter what it
was called, what matters is the result, and the result was
that 57 prisoners had slipped their way out of a high
security prison. One was the crown jewel of the prison and
formerly known as the man who couldn't be caught. The second
was charged for assault and later, murder. The rest got away
by chance and took advantage of the moment. FCC (USP)
Allenwood in Pennsylvania was the victim of an organized
attack meant to paralyze the guards and release the
convicts. Some reports claim one died during the escape but
it is unclear which one. This is that story.

Chapter 1: How it came to be.

"Come one guys, aren't you ready yet, we have to do this a
bit quicker if you want to make it to the mall in time",
Nick Wilson said from the door of his house, looking at the
horizon of the staircase going upwards, "I'm going to count
to three, get in the car and drive away if you don't hurry
Running down the stairs was a child, no older than eleven
years of age; he was shouting, "Daddy, wait for me. Don't
count yet". The boy tripped down the stairs and nearly
flipped over. He recovered quickly and raced the rest of the
way down hastily. Slowly following him was a young woman,
about his age, about 25 years old; she had black velvet hair
and charming glowing eyes, which were now disguised by the
sarcastic look on her face and small wrinkles on her
forehead, as if to say, "Who are you trying to fool". Nick
felt obligated to smile whenever he saw her; it was like a
ray of the sun had fallen and reached him, but did not blind
him. The three enter the car, a white Volkswagen Golf, a
rather new one. All of its 115 horse powers roaring to start
the engine. The car blends into traffic and drives away,
leaving behind the safety of the 5 room apartment in the
center of Pittsburg, Pennsylvania.

Chapter 2: The incident.

The three leave the car, the child bouncing out and slamming
the car door, the parents frowning on him for it and moving
on to the entrance of the massive structure ahead of them
known as a supermarket. Inside the usual happens; children
beg for candy and toys, and parents are forced to make hard
decisions on what values to present to their young; whether
to make them successful and know they can do and have
anything they want, or understand the world's limits and
that not everyone has equal resources to spend. About an
hour after it began, it ends. The three leave with a full
wagon for their weekly supply of nutrition. Loading up the
car and driving a way seems simple until just the wrong
thing happens. As Nick backs up the car from its parking
space and onto the lot, a faded gold colored Citroen C4 hits
him from the back, both cars' air bags deploy and its
passengers are shook up. Behind the wheel of the C4 comes
out an angry young man roughly the same age as Nick. His
T-shirt reads, "Guns don't kill people, I do". He is furious
and shouts at the car, at Nick and his family. Without a
second thought to it he paces rapidly to the trunk, opens it
and withdraws an aluminum baseball bat. Nick's eyes widen
and don't yet realize the consequences of his second hand
actions. Then 'Guns' approaches Nick, pushes him out of the
way as he mutters away at the costs of the upcoming repair
and slams the bat on the cars roof, bashing in the windows
and cracking in the windshield. Nick only tries to protect
his family, but when Guns heads for him and swings the bat
at Nick he ducks and dodges the bat's swing. Nick goes into
Fight mode and his mind is clear, his vision is obscured, he
only sees his target. Nick quickly grips the bat, and kicks
Guns' hand away from it; he tosses the bat to the ground,
raises his fists and slams them into Guns. First a right to
the chest, then a left right in the jaw and ending with a
head butt right into Guns' nose. 'Guns' falls down and hit
his head on the hot concrete of the lot. Nick goes over to
him, grabs the bat by its blunt side and wraps it into his
fist, then smashing Guns' teeth in. He breathes heavily when
just now his consciousness returns and he realizes what he
has done; he checks for a pulse. There is a pulse, but a
weak one. In the distance are horrified cries of bystanders
who had witnessed an accident, an attack and absolute
carnage. Minutes later the area is overwhelmed with the
sirens blazing from the cop squad cars racing to the lot.

Chapter 3: Court T.V.

"Your honor, my client was only trying to defend himself,
his property and his family, can you blame him that our city
isn't as clean of crime as we'd like to think it is", the
lawyer says sharply in the court decorated with wooden
ornaments in Pittsburg. He is dressed in a formal black suit
and a blue stripe tie. He is talking to a judge trying to
prove that Nick Wilson, who is sitting behind him, isn't to
blame for the 'assault' he was charged with. "...That people
sometimes need to defend what they care for because we can't
or simply haven't yet?"
The plaintiff's attorney stands up and cries to the judge,
"That was no act of defense. Defense as it's defined is
using enough force to counteract your attacker. What this
man did was far beyond defense. True my client had been
angry and started the feud but Nicolas Wilson had not only
beaten off his assailant but proceeded to hit him with a
baseball bat at hand after he was down on the floor. Explain
that if you would?"
"Well then I will," the defense lawyer began, knowing this
would be no easy case, "In this state my client was in, it
was impossible to use a certain amount of force to keep away
his attacker. My client used whatever force and means he had
until he was convinced that your client, Gordon Bennett, was
no longer a threat to him".
"Both of the attorneys may finish now, I will ask the jury
to deliberate and come to a conclusion I will sentence
according to. Jury! You may be excused now".
The dozen jury members go into a small room and come back
about twenty minutes later. They say their verdict clearly,
and it's, "Guilty". Nick's jaw drops and he looks at his
family who are just as shocked as the judge continues to
talk, "The defendant will be imprisoned for a period of 8
months, with an option of parole and time off for good
behavior." Nick is escorted out of the court by armed guards
as he can only look at his family with terror.

Chapter 4: Allenwood Correctional Facility.

A mature gentleman is sitting at the lunch table in
Allenwood prison; he is eating his meal silently and with
hardly anyone at the table beside him. His face is serious
and strict, obviously an old-school person. He is about 54
years old and the mildly long hair on his head is showing
clear signs of age as part of it is embraced in white
threads of hair. A young man approaches him angrily; he
shouts at him with one of his fists outstretched, "Give me
your food old man". The mature man speaks to him softly but
firmly enough as a low grade teacher would talk to his
students, "My name is Christopher Gonzalez and that will be
the only name you will address me by," Chris' face turns
more serious, "further more I will not give you my meal
because of the simple reason I can make two phone calls.
After the first people will come; they will break your knee
caps. The second call will be further, to headquarters.
People will come, they will make those broken knee caps seem
like the least of your problems. Are you sure you want go
through with this? If you are I'd just like to introduce you
to some friend of mine... Phil! Come here". Out of the
darkness of the hall a man comes out. He is rather big, his
face calm but angry at the same time, however that may be
Mr. Angry instantly backs away and leaves the room silently.
Just then Wilson is shown his way into the room and left
alone to be fed. Nick sees no room at any other table to so
he sits at the table Chris is on. Christopher stops eating
his food and looks at the new guy who doesn't know his place
yet, "You're new here, aren't you?" He asks politely.
"Yeah, I'm here for a few months". Nick shyly speaks up and
returns his eyes to looking at the food on the plate in
front of him. Chris is interested and inquires more as to
why Nick's there, "Assault. Beat up a guy who nearly
attacked me and my whole family. Bad isn't it?" Nick replies
with a hint of Cynicism in his voice. Chris nodded in
understanding, "I'm here because I was caught".
Nick returns the sudden interest and asks, "Doing what?"
Christopher replies, "Running the Pennsylvania branch of the
'Black Hand'".
Nick diverts his eyes and comments, "Organized crime, I
see...Interesting". Chris smiles and hints to Phil that it's
time they leave the table and leave Nick alone.

Chapter 5: The prisoners and I.

Nick walks out several hours later into the training yard in
which prisoners had the possibility to work out for one hour
a day. He meets Chris next to the weights encouraging Phil
to lift the heavy massive weight. He says hello and casually
mentions none of the devices are open. "So, which one do you
want then?" Chris asked with a smile, knowing his awesome
might will be recognized immediately by just about anyone.
Nick retracts and says none, but then mentions that whatever
machine it is where you pull down a metal bar to strengthen
your back and arms would be nice to use. Chris whistles at
the bunch of people around the machine, nods his head in a
gesture telling them to move it and they do so at once.
Before Nick has a chance to thank Chris and leave,
Christopher says to him he wants him to meet the rest of the
group that was caught with him when he was arrested. Nick
agrees and accompanies him on a small tour through the yard.
Chris begins on the left side of the wall, "See that in the
corner? This is Charlotte. He used to be called Charlie but
once he got here...He just caved. Poor guy, never liked him
anyway". They moved along the yard as the convicts continued
training, "And this here is Mikah; good guy, a bit too
sentimental, but we're working on it," Chris slowly paced
and pointed at each person around, " Cameron, honestly? I
don't even know him, but he did great sketches and comics
back home..." Chris moves on without finishing the sentence,
"Russell's here, he's...he's...well I don't even remember
him but that's ok", they go on the round as Nick tries to
remember the names. The only one he remembers so far is the
old tired out cunt he saw first, Charlotte. Chris goes on,
"Holden, Chang and Ross, fuck me if I knew what they were
even here for because they didn't do shit!" Chris exclaims
and goes on, "Mike, Ryan and Brad. I know Ryan a bit, but
the rest, hell I have no idea", Chris laughs and says that's
all, and that the rest weren't caught and are back home
wherever home was for bandits like this.

Chapter 6: The challenge.

It was 3 months later and Nick seemed to have managed not to
piss anyone off and even slightly befriended Chris, who was
a man of power in his world. Then one hot afternoon in the
yard Nick was working out (and he was enjoying the fact that
on a healthy slim diet and plenty of exercise he turned much
more buffed) and it was at that point that another prisoner
tried to push him off his machine and take his place. Nick
wasn't about to present himself as a pushy bitch in a high
security prison, so he pushed back and other prisoners
started to gather around to see who would win; Chris was
amongst them. The rival prisoner had won the push and was
now lifting the weight off its metal rack. Nick was confused
and didn't know what to do until Chris looked at him and
whispered something in the air. Thankfully Nick could lip
read because of his days as a young school boy trying to
hear what the teacher had said about him behind the
classroom door, which held a small square window in the
middle for some odd reason. Christopher had said to him,
"Kill or be killed" and Nick strangely understood that if he
didn't kill that prisoner somehow right now, the others
would take advantage of it and make his life all the more
bitter if not ending them altogether. Unwillingly Nick had
stepped behind the prisoner that took his place, and in one
smooth motion, kicked his head, took the weight out of his
arms and pushed it against his neck, the prisoner was
struggling and gasping for air, but to no avail, the weight
was heavy and Nick's arms added a pressure equal to about
two hundred pounds more. As soon as the pushing convict had
taken his last breath the crowd had dispersed and armed
guards hurried to the scene shouting at Nick and telling him
to raise his arms and lie down on the ground. He was brought
to trial once more for murder this time, and was found
guilty. He was sentenced to 25 years more, no parole
possible. He was shocked that from a simple attempt to
protect his family, he had come to murdering a man to save
his own life and forced to spend a life time in jail.

Chapter 7: The plan.

Nick was in the lunch room next day, unable to eat, sitting
beside Chris and his body guard, Phil. Chris knew what Nick
had left behind; a loving wife and child that now were
without a father. Chris knew something needed to be done,
and he would do it.
Fortunately enough there was a way for Chris to communicate
with his old co-workers that the prison wasn't aware of. It
was a cunning way that not even the smartest warden would
know of. Chris being the important man he was, had a small
television in his cell. If he switched it to channel 84,
then to 82 within 5 seconds, and then back to 84, then a
message would be received on a fax machine in the Mafia's
headquarters. He would then switch between channels, each
channel being a letter, and channel 0 as space. Christopher
would send a message asking for some help; help to escape.
He had told them that he had taken pity on young Nicolas and
wanted him to have a decent life. The message also included
a request to relocate Nick's wife, Anne, and their child,
little Ricky, to Canada. They were to be taken care of well
enough until Chris had arranged for himself and Nick to get
there and give them a proper new life. The mafia had
followed those steps exactly and was about ready to break
their leader out of jail. It may come to mind that if Chris
could escape this whole time, then why hadn't he? Well the
answer is rather simple; the life of a Mafia Don is not a
simple one, it is overwhelmed with people trying to get you
killed, and Chris had actually enjoyed the fact no one could
"whack" him inside the prison. Until now that is.

Chapter 8: Execution.

I wouldn't know how many of you out there have actually been
to a High Security prison but I hope not many, anyway. The
fact remains that these prisons are exactly as they are
called; high security. They had armed guards, a concrete
fence and barbed wire on top, no visiting was allowed and
everything was monitored. However the mafia had a working
plan to go by; after receiving the message by T.V channels
from Christopher they had contacted Nick's family and had
them relocated to an unknown town in Canada, then they had
arranged for the right materials to break in, and so... It
was on September 10th at dawn, two semi trailer trucks with
a large container in the back and a large U-Haul style truck
are standing outside the Allenwood prison and asking for
clearance to enter the facility. The guard looks at them
suspiciously, "What do you mean you have a delivery, the
food shipments already came?" The guard looks at them oddly
and asks for forms, "I'll need to see your forms". The
driver of the leading truck, a young man, about old enough
to be attending college, was cleanly shaven and looked
extraordinarily bright. His name was Kenneth Feasel. He was
one of the most appreciated and ironically one of the eldest
members the Pennsylvania mafia branch had seen. His job was
to design and invent newer and more sophisticated weapons
for the members of the Black Hand. Kenneth, or Kenny for
short, presented the guard with documents saying they were
delivering unknown objects for the prison. The guard
attentively looks through them and lets them in. The three
trucks drive to the high security section and stop. The back
doors of the two trucks open and the roar of engine sounds.
Out of the doors two Titanium plated Anti-Riot vehicle
popped out. They had a water based cannon on top much like
an urban tank and were driven by four large wheels. They
resembled small trucks with cannons on top. On each roof
were two people and a driver. First the two A.R cars shot
powerful streams of water on the walls; when the guard was
about to radio in the disruption, he was sprayed with water
going at 250 Miles on hour. He was immediately disabled and
once small cracks started to appear on the prison walls from
all the drivers of the semi trailer trucks rammed the walls,
breaking them apart, the drivers had left and got on the
smaller truck that entered to the prison third. The A.R cars
then went into the prison yard and rammed the eastern wall
where rooms 24-F - 27-G were located. They included several
prisoners; amongst them were Chris, Phil and Nick's rooms.
Several prisoners managed to escape while Nick and the
others got on board the A.R vehicles, but they were being
shot at by the guards standing above, at which point the
third truck to enter opened and several mafia members exited
and fired at the guards with automatic weapons. Next they
all returned to the small truck and leave the scene with the
driver, Ewan shouting frantically and 'whooing' loudly about
the mission's unbelievable success. They drove for less than
30 minutes when they reach the nearby river where a large
boat is waiting for them and would take them down the stream
and to the promised land of Canada.

Chapter 9: O-Canada...

For a few days all seemed well with Nick, Chris and the
others. They had felt that no one found out where they were
or anything about their identity. The two decide to spend
one final day in town enjoying the sights before Chris
leaves to Europe, never to return. The two drive in a usual
Audi AS through the city streets, chatting away,
occasionally stepping out to buy something they were fond
of. One such case was looking at clothes at a respectable
wo/men shop. They choose some proper clothes, actually a
pair of white blouses to match their already purchased
Jackets and pants. They stand in line when a woman behind
them, roughly 40 years old and mildly overweight, is talking
on the cell phone with her mother, assuming she's about
60 years old or more. Of course the underwear would have
looked great on any woman with a decent figure from the ages
of 17 to boldly reaching as far as 30 if she had no
children, however Chris was forced to picture the image of a
60 year old woman who if her daughter's shape was of any
indicative, would be heavy to say the least. Chris turns
back and speaks loudly enough for the whole shop to hear, "
For the love of GOD lady, we do not want to hear about your
60 plus mother's choice of undergarments, so shut up and buy
her a large white sheet and end it there!" The woman is
surprised and dazed at the chance that people actually have
the ability to hear her conversations on a cellular phone
apparatus. After Nick and Chris leave the store, and Nick
slightly vomits from having imagined the very vivid image
Chris had seen minutes before, but is able to move on.
The two cross the street back to the car when a blue Fiat
Punto races by and the passenger, a young male about 20
years old and having a maximum IQ of 40, has stuck his head
out the window and shouted, "Bark! Bark!" out the window.
Chris is rattled by the barking sound behind them and Nick
flinches slightly as well. Chris looks at the car in the
horizon and without missing a beat says, "Jesus Christ, we
have now discovered a new breed of humans, the Canine
Sapiens. Or as Nick affectionately called them, "The How How
people" (the how of course mimicking the barking sound their
new discovery had made). Chris constantly makes new cracks
at the barking passenger like a wild life channel

The two eventually get to the car and drive away, but only
about a mile away, a van stops at a red light next to them,
the window opens and three micro Uzis emerge. They begin to
fire. Ewan, Chris' faithful driver steps down on the pedal,
spins the wheels and sets off , the van takes a different
turn and disappears. The hits are mostly in the back of the
car; Nick ducked and dodged a few bullets but was still hit
and scraped on his right arm. He turns to Chris and looks at
him; he is shot several times in the stomach and is bleeding
badly. Nick rushes Ewan to drive to the nearest hospital,
but Ewan waits for Chris' response on it. Chris vaguely
refuses and whispers to Nick, "They ask questions at
hospitals... just let me go silently". Nick is rebellious
and refuses to let him die but Ewan explains to him that if
he was brought to a hospital it wouldn't end well in any
situation, it is best they let it happen, assuming it's what
Chris wants, and he does. Nick has a hard time accepting it
but slowly understands it has to happen that way.

Chapter 10: Sorry, Officer.

It has been one year since Christopher Gonzalez had died and
Nicolas Wilson is driving innocently on the road when a
trooper pulls him over and asks for licenses and
registration. Nick provides the information and asks the
Officer if anything seemed wrong. The trooper says it is
just a routine check but as he's about to return the
documents he noticed the picture on the license and quietly
says, "You seem familiar from somewhere, have I seen you
before?" Nick's Colt .45 glistens from his holster on his
right thigh. Nick softly says, "No", as his hand slightly
moves towards the weapon.

חוות דעת על היצירה באופן פומבי ויתכן שגם ישירות ליוצר

לשלוח את היצירה למישהו להדפיס את היצירה
היצירה לעיל הנה בדיונית וכל קשר בינה ובין
המציאות הנו מקרי בהחלט. אין צוות האתר ו/או
הנהלת האתר אחראים לנזק, אבדן, אי נוחות, עגמת
נפש וכיו''ב תוצאות, ישירות או עקיפות, שייגרמו
לך או לכל צד שלישי בשל מסרים שיפורסמו
ביצירות, שהנם באחריות היוצר בלבד.
I never saw a
purple cow,
I never hope to
see one.
But I can tell
you anyhow,
I'd rather see
than be one.

תרומה לבמה

בבמה מאז 18/9/07 23:36
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