You've cried a thousand tears
Begged down on your knees, for me to just help you
You knew I won't say no
Will not turn my back at you, even if I'll get hurt again
You mean the world to me
If you'll just listen
The tears you've cried I watched while falling
Every heartache of yours I felt like mine
I'll do anything for you and you know it
Will you let me reach you this time?
I heard you last night in the darkness
I know you're afraid, running away from loving
You're hiding your scars but I know they're there
Why won't you let me heal you?
The tears you've cried I watched while falling
Every heartache of yours I felt like mine
I'll do anything for you and you know it
So why every time I reach for you you're pulling away?
I've tried my best to keep you from falling
Gave you new berth when yours has stopped
I gave you it all, gave you my heart
But you, without knowing, tossed it away, left it behind
The tears you've cried I watched while falling
Every heartache of yours I felt like mine
I'll do anything for you and you know it
Will you let me get close again?
You were locked up in a prison you made yourself
Your mind inside and your heart belongs to someone who's not
You were like a dagger calling for help
With every step I took closer, you've cut me dipper
Once, you meant the world to me
The tears you've cried I watched while falling
Every heartache of yours I felt like mine
I used to think I'll do anything for you
But you've lost me |