You were having a sad day
And your eyes were soft with sorrow
I asked you what was wrong
You said you would improve tomorrow
I tried to tell you jokes
To raise a smile upon your tortured face
But you just nodded thoughtlessly
And looked as if through empty space
You so unwillingly received
My desperate attempts of entertainment
I almost thought of giving up,
Of letting you remain in dark entailment
But then my heart screamed: no!
You love her to no end and thus
You must increase your efforts by a hundred
And be amusing at all cost
When this command came to my mind
We were just boarding a south-eastern train
And in the peoples' looks I found
The way to stop your pouring rain
I started slowly, with the shoes
And flying off my feet they went
Next were the trousers and the shirt
They looked with wonder at the incident
But any less I couldn't care
For through the corner of my eye I saw
A shade of smile brake on your lips
And soon enough you burst in laughter. |