The street lights light my way
i'm blind because i want to
i hurt myself inside
just to make them fell like i do
- - - everyday
Everyday it's the same as last time
i can't forget your smile
i wake up every morning
just waiting for you to be mine
- - - everyday
Time just seems too long
tomorrow i may be gone
the night keeps passing by
and it holds me when i cry
- - - everyday
It hurts me even more
you see i can't hold on
i can't swim back to shore
so please don't let me drawn
- - - everyday
I hate the way it moves
i love it when it stops
but one thing that i'm sure
the truth lets me ignore
- - - everyday
I act as if i'm shy
won't even say goodbye
reach out far completely
i hope you all can hear me
- - - everyday
I need you more than this
or maybe i lost that
i'm broken and apart
so please give me your heart
- - - everyday
מילים, לחן, ביצוע: תום שפירא
הוקלט בבית |
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