I hate it when you stare. I always don't know what to do.
Shall I stare back or shall I look away? I've tried both
things but it never seems to work. Damn if I do, damn I
I hate it when it seems like you're laughing at me. You have
this grin and your eyes light up. I never know if you're
laughing with me or at me.
I hate to be put in this position. It can drive a girl nut.
I hate the way you cut your hair differently at the
beginning of each year. It seems like you're trying to
impress somebody, maybe me. Don't. I've liked your hair two
years ago but it seems that even if you change it to bright
orange, I'd still like you.
I hate the fact that I'm pushing you away. I can't help it,
I just don't want to be hurt again.
I hate it when you always there at the wrong time. When I'm
hugging a male friend or when I'm talking to my brother on
the phone. It's like god don't want us to be together,
therefore, he's doing that on purpose.
I hate the fact that I have to let you go. You and I aren't
meant to be. I know that now. I just hope that someday my
heart will know that too.
I hate it that I have to see you everyday.
I hate it that when I don't, the thought of you slip in and
out of my head during the day.
And mostly, I hate the way I blew it. I know now, even when
it's too late, that I am totally in love with you.
Inspired by the movie "10 Things I hate About You |