Climibing on the hills
Make you feel some chills
You feel so great, so fine
It's like a drug, that get you high
If you think you are strong, it's true
But there are forces stronger than you
The forces of nature teach me to live
Listen to me I have something to give
I'm 24 but 70 too
My destenation is teaching it you
The desert full of death
But it has it's little breath
There is life there in the sands
Everywere you put your hands
Could be tiger, could be snake
They have wisdom you can take
[The forces of..
If twister knock you out
You can scream & you can shout
You can yell & you can cry,
But why not try to understand
That twister too can be your friend
The twister goes in circles
Can you tell me why it's nice
Maybe it's the cicle of life
[The forces of nature.... |