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חיפוש בבמה

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מדורי במה

מאיה שטיינברג
/ The World Between

Like an angle she is walking along the white walls, children
in different ages are walking behind her looking for means
of existence or more lost kids, trying to avoid meeting the
race police.they were following a young girl, whome they
knew nothing about except for her name - Vesta
Silvanus, the first boy she found, is walking behind her
leading the others, giving them orders and helping when
nessecery. He is 18 years old and he was abondened by his
mother when he was 4 years old, he found his way to a family
from the pure side of the world and they raised him untill
he turned 12. when the race police found out that he was not
pure they chased his family, while his family emigrated to
the slavery part of the world and became slaves themselves
Silvanus ran away to the white walls, the world between the
two other parts of the world, the world where the race
police had no influence, where everything is still right. He
wondered the world between for almost a year when Vesta
found him, she helped him to survive and as long as they
were together they were strong.
In order to exist they had to steal from the pure part of
the world and trade the goods for food and clothes from the
slaves. They had very little property, no things of their
own, they only wanted to survive.
After a while they have found another lost child this time
it was a girl, Luna, she was a little blond girl only 5
years old and beautiful like no other, she was so small that
she could steal easly from the pure and she was quick enough
to escape the race police, Vesta loved her very much, like
her own, she always tried to keep her the most beautiful
clothes and the best food she could find, and as the years
grew by Luna grew more beautiful.
Silvanus was already a man, at 18 he became very strong and
mighty, and Vesta knew she had to make him in charge of all
the young kids, although he was a seriouse person the kids
loved him, they thought of him as a protector.
That morning Silvanuse woke up next to Luna who just turned
10 and still could not sleep without him being next to her,
he was her father figure.
He found an entres to the pure world and went to find
brakefast, he found a nice empty house, the people who lived
there was at work and he snuck in stealing some food. On his
way out he run into a police motorcycle and the young
officer tried to stop him, he chased him till the border
where Vesta was waiting for Silvanuse, officer Sol saw Vesta
he felt his heart was melting, she was so sweet, her long,
black hair was beautiful, running down her back all the way
to her legs, her big green eyes was terrified and yet so
warm, her lips slightly open with wonder and her entire face
were just begging for Silvanus to be careful, he stopped the
motorcycle and just stared at her and Silvanus running back
into the white world.
Vesta felt so confused she was happy and yet felt unhappy,
the young officer was so handsome and she couldn't stop
thinking about him all day, she knew she had to see him
again, but she also knew it was impossible. He was from the
other side, an officer, from the right side of the law, she
was a criminal, from the world between, with no where to go,
a lonely soul. She looked at silvanus while they were back
on camp she said nothing and gave Luna some fruit and milk,
Silvanus dropped the bread on the run, but she wasn't mad,
she just ate her orange quietly, day dreaming about the

At the police station Sol though about telling his superior
about Vesta but he was afraid they will kill her, he kept
thinking about her face, she was so thin and pale and he
thought she was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen,
even prettier than his girlfriend, Dea, she was a cold
person, rich and she knows she can have any man she wants so
she's treating them like dirt, humiliating them, making them
want her, he knew the girl he saw was different, he knew she
needs love, he saw it in her eyes, he was attracted to her
fear, he was lost in her charm.

Sol left the station, wondering a bit in the clean streets,
a slave run away in the distance, but he payed no attention
to what was going on around him, he saw her eyes in his
mind, hunting him, so green and confused and hungry. He
thought about trying to find her again one last time, he
just knew that if she'll have him he will never let her go.
He was afraid about what was happening, knowing she is a
mixed breed, a combenition between black and white, two
things that cannot be mixed together. He starred at the
slave passing through the world between into the slavery
world and though he can try to find her there.
Full of hope he entered the world between yelling Hello
every few minutes. After an hour or so he found a big
cartboard house as he entered he saw twin girls sleeping
inside the first room, he saw the face of a little girl
behind them, and realized that all of those are mixed
children. He tried to think when the slavery began but he
was too young to remember, he knew that those children have
no hope surviving in each of the worlds. Feeling pity on
them he put a banana he had in his bag next to the little
girl. He hoped he had some more food but that was all he
could find.
Then he saw her, the angelic figure appeared again and the
young man behind her is giving the kids around food and
he tried to speak and his heart raced like a locomotive.
Vesta looked at him, he was more beautiful then she
remembered, tall, dark haired and blue eyed, it was the
first time she saw blue eyes, most of the kids had brown
eyes, and only one other child had green eyes like hers. She
said nothing, afraid to make him mad, afraid that there are
more officers behind him.
- I am here to help
he said and felt that that's the only thing he can do right
now, he gave her some money.
She thanked him with a node. and when her eyes met his she
saw all the compassion, he ment every word he said. She felt
like the ground beneath her feet is falling and she is
falling with it.
- I will not harm you, and I am here on my own. i'm Sol.
He reached for her hand but she stayed put.
- Her name is Vesta, she is our leader, our mom
said Silvanus for her in his naive way. - how can you help?

He asked with contempt, watching at Vesta and Sol looking at
each other.
- I.. I am not sure, but if there is anything I can do for
you just tell me. I'd love to help. Now I see slavery is
wrong, it made you come here, right?
Vesta looked at Sol, waiting for him to say something and
when she saw he had nothing to say she asked
- you are a an officer! How would you know about our
Sol knew she was right, he was not a mixed breed  he was a
law keeper, someone they should fear of.
He said nothing hoping something will save him from getting
anymore embarresed.
-why did you stopped chasing Silvanus outside?
-I saw you feared for him, I could feel your pain, now I am
confused about the whole slavery issue, maybe I should leave
the race police, it is wrong for me to continue working
there when my feelings obviusly changed about you, and the
others, if all the mixed breeds are as beautiful as you are
and smart, then how come you are an out laws?
He turned around heading to the enterens between the worlds,
he knew he would quit the police at the morning.
Vesta looked at him going away, she had to stop him.
-Wait! If you will go back and tell someone about us they
will kill you too, you see, the race police will not let you
live knowing you support the slaves and mixed breeds, they
will not let you become a slave, as far as they concern
there are too many already.  You can stay here and live or
go back and die.
Sol turned around
- are you sure that you want me here? After all you can't
trust me, I am an officer you know. And it apeers you have
enough on your mind, how many children are there here
Silvanus whiseled and a line of children came standing
before him, Vesta named them.
- Fauna and Flora, the twin sisters, Lar, Aurora, Fontus and
Luna the youngest.
Sol looked at them, hungry, thin children at different ages.

As they were left alone Vesta made Sol something to eat, she
gave him the plate, but he looked at the small amount of
food, then at her eyes and said
- you need it more than me, eat it.
She looked at him and called Luna, the girl came running
from her improvised bed and set down to eat her dinner.
- you should eat. if you stay so thin you won't be able to
take care if the kids.
Sol took a piece of fruit Luna left on the plate and handed
it to her, he put it in her mouth, forcing her to eat. She
resisted at first but she was too hungry to ignore the
opportunity, she took a bite from the fruit, feeling the
great taste, she finished eating and still said nothing, Sol
whiped the tear that came down her cheek, she was so hungry,
hungry for love. He kissed the other tear coming down her
cheek, then her lips, she was so soft and silky, she froze,
not knowing what to do, then she finally touched his face,
his cheeks, his mouth, his nose, he seemed so strong, so
protective, she knew she could trust him. He kissed her
fingers gently, looking into her eyes, then kissed her
He laid her down on the bed, whispering things Vesta never
heard in her entire life
She opened her mouth to say something but she could not find
words to express her feelings, she kissed him.

The next morning Vesta woke up, alarmed at first by the man
next to her, but when she remembered the night before she
smiled, she was truly happy.
Silvanus entered the room, carrying a tray with real
brakefast, he even got some milk and good bread with jam.
Vesta looked at him and said
- give it to Luna, she needs something sweet.
And as he turned to go Sol woke up. Silvanus smiled and
left, Sol looked at Vesta
Her heart raced, she stood on her feet
- I have to go take care of the kids
she looked away, her eyes fixed on the wall behind him
- you better go now, I bet there is someone waiting for you
at home.
- yes there is, but I would rather stay here with you.
He pet her arm, and touched her face looking at here eyes,
she sudenly started crying.
-I never been so happy in my life, I am so scared to find
this was only a dream, you are so good to me, but you are
braking the ruls you live by and enforce. How can this
- oh, my dear, don't worry, we will find a way, nothing can
come between us.
Vesta looked in his eyes for a minute and then woke away,
she came back after a few minutes and gave Sol some food.
-I think I am needed, you are welcome to stay if you want
but if you go you know how to get back here, just be
She kissed him softly, he held her arm and kissed her a long
kiss, she smiled and left,

Sol returned to the pure world all exited, everything looked
diffrenet, he saw the world in another way now, he returned
to the police station and gave his things back, the sergeant
looked at him with question marks all over his face, he was
stunned. Sol took his things from his locker and went back
to his house, Dea was there
- where were you? I have been waiting here since yesterday.

- Dea we're through, you can stay living here I am moving
She looked at him and played surprised
- I bet you had someone here for companey last night, we are
through for a long time.
He packed some of his things in a beg, he took some food for
Vesta and the kids, he took a nice dress from Dea's closet,
she had lots of cloths she never wore.
- I know you are taking those to your girlfriend, the one
with the long hair, who knew a policeman would fall for
mixed girl, you are so stupid, throghing your life away for
a girl, a mixed breed.
He looked at her and held her shoulders so she looked in his
-who knows about this exept you?
He started screaming at her
- if you will tell that to someone I swear I would..
Dea laughed
- do what? Come after me? With what army? can't you see?
They will hunt you, they will come after you.
Sol left the apartment angry at her, on his way to the world
between he noticed a police car following him, He tried to
find somewhere else to go but non of his friends were home,
it was early, they were all working.
By the time he thought he lost the policemen who were
following him he tried to enter the world between and got
The policemen who used to be his friends questioned him till
late hour, but he said nothing. He thought he saw Dea in the
In the morning a trial date was set and he spent the next
five days in jail, day dreaming about the night with Vesta.
He knew he had to change things, Vesta is not evil, she is
not a criminal, she's a human being. He was worried that she
might come looking after him.
The judge thought Sol was crazy, tring to live on the world
between, he didn't know that there is someone waiting for
him there, he thought he was plain crazy. His ruling was 4
months of prison.

Mean while Vesta waited for Sol to come back, she stopped
taking care of the kids and just sat depressed for days.
The days soon became weeks and weeks turned to months,
untill one day Sol reappeared in the so-called house of
theirs, by that time Vesta found out she was pregnant, Sol
saw her for the first time in 5 months, it took him a while
to convince everyone he wasn't crazy and escape back to
Vesta. When he first saw her she looked diffrenet, halthier,
he hugged her tight, kissed her neck and her face, couldn't
let go of her.
- I'm pregnant.
She said and he looked at her, than at her growing belly, he
smiled and hugged her again,
-this is perfect!
He was so happy,  a child of his own!
throught the entire pregnency Sol took care of both Vesta
and the kids. making sure nothing will be missing from the
table. they never knew hunger again. after a month it took
him all the money he had left to buy a politician to correct
the rule about the two races. he worked hard making all
wrongs right. getting himself arrested a few times. and at
one time he was gone another month.
Vesta's child was almost out when she was caught in a riot
on her way to a hospital, it seems a lot of people still was
against the ruling of equality. A stray bullet hit her in
the shoulder, causing a lost of a huge amount of blood, by
the time the police cleared the riot and got her to the
hospital she had lost too much blood.
The doctors operated on her, getting her baby out and when
she saw it was a girl she said to Sol;
-Name her after our victory, call her Victoria.

חוות דעת על היצירה באופן פומבי ויתכן שגם ישירות ליוצר

לשלוח את היצירה למישהו להדפיס את היצירה
היצירה לעיל הנה בדיונית וכל קשר בינה ובין
המציאות הנו מקרי בהחלט. אין צוות האתר ו/או
הנהלת האתר אחראים לנזק, אבדן, אי נוחות, עגמת
נפש וכיו''ב תוצאות, ישירות או עקיפות, שייגרמו
לך או לכל צד שלישי בשל מסרים שיפורסמו
ביצירות, שהנם באחריות היוצר בלבד.

נזכר ונשבר

תרומה לבמה

בבמה מאז 29/9/01 23:42
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מאיה שטיינברג

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