Empty heads with plastic eyes,
yell at me fantastic lies.
Consume correctly you're doing swell.
Buy our crap or go to hell!
Titanium chicks with kevlar tits,
are turning tricks and throwing fits.
Buy Big Boy be a stud.
Now come and join us in the mud...
You have to speak louder with more power.
Gilded temples full of shops,
where the shopping never stops.
Here you worship gods of cash.
Lets just hope you never crash.
Cause by now your brain is dead.
There is nothing in your head.
Your empty head with plastic eyes,
yells at me fantastic lies.
You have to speak louder with more power.
ניתן עכשיו להאזין ל "Open Season" ולקרוא ביקורות שהתפרסמו
בעיתונות הכתובה בשבועות האחרונים על הקטעים:
"Open Season" ו "Mo Pawa" שזוכים לתהילת עולם בזכות ההלחנה של
הגדול מכולם - עודד צוקרמן.