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הומו ארקטוס בן 1.77 מליון שנה מדמניסי שבגאורגיה
דר' אמנון טיל, DAT

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ראשי פרקים
עזרה לזקנים
מאמרים בסידרה: האבולוציה של האדם

הרשימה מביאה מקורות דיגיטליים שונים העוסקים בהומו ארקטוס בן
1.77 מליון שנה שנמצא בדמניסי שבגרוזיה. העיר דמניסי נמצאת 93
ק"מ דרומית מערבית לטיבליסי, בירת גאורגיה.

דמניסי בויקיפדיה


האתר הרשמי של המשלחת בדמניסי


גלריית המימצאים בדמניסי



בשנים האחרונות נתגלה באתר DMANISI שבגאורגיה  (93 ק"מ דרומית
מערבית לטיבליסי בירת גאורגיה) עצמותיהם של מספר הומו ארקטוסים
בני 1.77 מליון שנה. העצמות הראשונות נמצאו ב1991 וא"כ ב1999
וב2001 נמצאו עצמות נוספות, עד עתה של 6 גופות.

אחת המשמעויות של מחקר זה היא שהיציאה הראשונה מאפריקה (היציאה
של הומו ארקטוס) התרחשה לפני כ1.9 מליון שנה.

לראות בוידאו את גולגלות אנשי דמסי


תמונת הגוגולת מדמנסי





Skull D2700


Discovered in 2001 at Dmanisi in Georgia (in the ex-USSR).
Estimated age is 1.8 million years. D2700 consisted of a
mostly complete skull in exceptionally good condition,
including a lower jaw (D2735) found about a meter away and
thought to belong to the same individual (Vekua et al. 2002,
Balter and Gibbons 2002). At around 600 cc, this is the
smallest and most primitive hominid skull ever discovered
outside of Africa (or, at least, was until recently. Homo
floresiensis is smaller)

Two other skulls had earlier been found at the same site in
1999. D2280 was an almost complete braincase with a
brainsize of 780 cc. D2282 was a cranium which included many
of the facial and upper jaw bones, with a brain size of
about 650 cc. A lower jaw, D211, had also been discovered in
1991, and another lower jaw, D2600, in 2000. (Gabunia et al.
2000, Balter and Gibbons 2000)

עצמות הומו ארקטוס מגרוזיה מלפני 1.8 מליון שנה


He did not know it yet, but in his hands he held the almost
perfectly preserved skull of the most ancient human being
ever found in Europe - 1.8 million years old.

More extraordinary still, it was about to throw into
question all accepted theories about the migration of our
ancestors out of Africa.

Stranger in a New Land


Stunning finds in the Republic of Georgia upend
long-standing ideas about the first hominids to journey out
of Africa

in 1999 workers found two skulls just a few feet away from
where the mandible had turned up eight years prior. A paper
describing the fossils appeared in Science the following
spring. "That year the fanfare began," recollects
Lordkipanidze, who now directs the excavation. The finds
established a close relationship between the Dmanisi
hominids and African H. erectus. Unlike the earliest humans
on record from eastern Asia and western Europe, which
exhibited regionally distinctive traits, the Dmanisi skulls
bore explicit resemblances--in the form of the browridge,
for example--to the early African material.

Fossils may be first Europeans


The Remains of what may be the earliest human ancestors to
migrate from Africa into Europe have been found in the
Republic of Georgia.
Two skulls, which are probably about 1.7 million years old,
were unearthed during an archaeological dig at a medieval
castle at Dmanisi.

Homo Dmanisi
1.75 Million Year Old Republic of Georgia


The fossils from six individual, including skulls, dated at
1.8 million years old, discovered in 2001 at the foot of the
Caucasus mountains that separate the Black Sea from the
Caspian Sea, has been claimed by some scientist as
reinforcing the OUT of Africa theory for the evolution of
Homo sapiens. However the surprise is that the skulls
clearly show that these creatures had pea brains with a
volume of half the size of Homo erectus. This has thrown all
previous assumptions of the evolution of our ancestors into
chaos. Previously it was thought that our ancestors that
came out of Africa were large brained Homo erectus. The
Dmanisi skull instead shows that these creatures had faces
and bodies like those of chimps with long dangling arms and
short legs.

First Human to leave Africa


This is the face that's changing a thousand minds. It could
be the face of the first human to leave Africa. And it's not
what anyone expected. This 1.75-million-year-old pioneer,
found last year beneath the ruins of a medieval town called
Dmanisi in the republic of Georgia, had a tiny brain-not
nearly the size scientists thought our ancestors needed to
migrate into a new land. And its huge canine teeth and thin
brow look too apelike for an advanced hominid, the group
that includes modern humans and their ancestors. Along with
other fossils and tools found at the site, this skull
reopens so many questions about our ancestry that one
scientist muttered: ''They ought to put it back in the

First humans 'small brained'


Larger brain size was probably not the only driving force
behind the exodus of early humans from Africa.
A third skull found at the camp of some of the first humans
to leave the continent is much smaller than the others

First Humans to Leave Africa Weren't Necessarily a Brainy


A longstanding view of human evolution holds that the first
hominids to leave Africa did so with the help of bigger
brains, longer legs and fancier tools than those of their
predecessors. That scenario suffered a major blow a couple
of years ago, however, when paleontologists working in
Dmanisi, Georgia unearthed the oldest human remains yet
found outside of Africa---two 1.7-million-year-old skulls
belonging to early members of our genus, Homo--and
discovered primitive tools alongside them. Now a new finding
may topple another pillar of the theory. According to a
report in the current issue of the journal Science,
researchers working at the same site have recovered a third
skull--one that housed a surprisingly small brain.

Out of Africa migration may be a no-brainer


It was not big brains alone that set the first humans
migrating out of Africa to Eurasia, according to a
surprisingly small fossil skull unearthed at a rich site in
Dmanisi, Georgia. It had been suggested that early human
migration began when an intellectual threshold - recorded as
increased skull size - was crossed.

The skull is the third to be found at the 1.75 million year
old site and is considerably smaller than the earlier
skulls. It suggests that early Dmanisi humans did not differ
so dramatically from their African contemporaries, meaning a
single trigger for human migration is unlikely.

Georgia skull challenges human migration theory


Researchers at an archaeological site in Georgia have
discovered an early human skull with unusually small brain

The small, lightly built hominid had a short nose and huge
canine teeth.

A BBC Science correspondent says the discovery has called
into question the theory that our ancestors migrated out of
Africa as their brains became larger, enabling them to adapt
to new environments.

Georgian Homo Erectus Published


The May 12 edition of the journal Science presents the first
scientific description of two 1.7-million-year-old crania
excavated at Dmanisi in the Republic of Georgia. According
to the article's authors the age and skeletal
characteristics of the Dmanisi fossils link them to the
early human species Homo ergaster, which some researchers
believe is an African version of H. erectus. ARCHAEOLOGY
reported the discovery, dated at that time to 1.8 million
years, in its January/February 2000 issue and on its
עזרה לזקנים

אבותיו של האדם דאגו לקשישים


"אבות אבותיו של האדם דאגו לקשישים וניהלו חברה סוציאלית כבר
לפני 1.77 מיליון שנה. כך עולה מבדיקת גולגלתו של הומוניד - בן
משפחת האדם, שנמצא באתר דמאניסי, שבגרוזיה. הגולגולת, שנמצאה
בשלמותה חסרת שיניים, היתה על פי ההערכה שייכת להומוניד בן
יותר מ-40 שנה - גיל מופלג ביחס לתקופה.

המחקר, שפורסם במגזין "Nature", עשוי להעיד על כך שאותו אדם חי
בחברה מורכבת, שהיתה מסוגלת להפגין חמלה, ואף העריכה את חכמתם
הנרכשת של הזקנים. לדברי פרופסור רייד פרינג מאוניברסיטת צפון
טקסס, שהשתתף במחקר, מדובר בתופעה "חריגה מאד, המעניקה מבט
ייחודי ליחסים החברתיים של ההומוניד המוקדם הזה".

מקור הידיעה בBBC


Ancient hominids from the Caucasus may have fed and cared
for their elderly, a new fossil find has indicated.
The 1.77 million-year-old specimen, which is described in
Nature magazine, was completely toothless and well over 40;
a grand old age at the time.
רשימותי בסידרה: האבולוציה של האדם



הבלוג שלי בתפוז

הבלוג שלי בקפה דמרקר


חוות דעת על היצירה באופן פומבי ויתכן שגם ישירות ליוצר

לשלוח את היצירה למישהו להדפיס את היצירה
היצירה לעיל הנה בדיונית וכל קשר בינה ובין
המציאות הנו מקרי בהחלט. אין צוות האתר ו/או
הנהלת האתר אחראים לנזק, אבדן, אי נוחות, עגמת
נפש וכיו''ב תוצאות, ישירות או עקיפות, שייגרמו
לך או לכל צד שלישי בשל מסרים שיפורסמו
ביצירות, שהנם באחריות היוצר בלבד.
היום חטפתי

מוסטפא, קורס
מחבלים מתאבדים
שלב 7, שבוע
עזרה ראשונה.

תרומה לבמה

בבמה מאז 1/9/05 10:58
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