Inside my grave I'm all alone,
Inside my grave I feel at home,
Inside my grave it's dark and safe,
Just let me be inside my grave.
Inside my grave it's hard to breath,
Inside my grave I will now live,
Just like a vampire there ill sleep,
6 feet under not so deep.
At night ill rise and walk around,
A living dead ill make no sound,
Just like the wind I won't be seen,
Just like the wind I won't be heard,
But you will know that I am here'
My present next to you, you'll feel.
The emptiness inside my soul,
It's leaving there a big great hole,
It won't fill up, it'll stay that way,
It's all most what there's left to say.
The feelings are no longer there,
My spirit is rotting in fucking hell,
I'm dead I'm gone I don't need air,
My life is done,
But I don't care. |