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מבוסס על "שלגיה ושבעת הגמדים"
על "שר הטבעות" של טולקין

Once upon a time there was an elf maiden, and she was the
prettiest ever. Her name was Arwen Undomiel. Arwen lived in
a huge palace in a huge country called Rivendell. Arwen was
mean and cunning and she always wanted to be completely sure
that she was indeed the most beautiful creature in Middle
Earth. So she got herself a magical Palantir, which she
always asked the same question: "Palantir Palantir on the
Floor, who's the pretty of them all?" and it would answer
without any doubt: "You are, Lady Evening Star".

Not so far from Gondor, in a beautiful country called Rohan
lived a happy family. They had a little boy called Eomer,
and a tiny baby called Snowyn. Now, Snowyn wasn't her real
name, surely, but some called her like that for an unknown
reason. Her real name was Eowyn. She was a cute little baby,
and when she was five years old, it was known as a fact that
she was the prettiest in Rohan. For now, Arwen was safe, and
the Palantir's answer was the same everyday. She was quite
old, but it didn't change anything, and soon she found
herself a b-e-a-utiful prince, about to become a king, by
the name Aragorn, or Ellessar, or Estel... choose one.
Although she was, as said before, the most amazing creature
exists, she was afraid that someone might take him away from
her, and she cast a spell on him, and he fell in love with
her instantly and they lived happily not ever after. There
was a way, which could break the spell, and Arwen didn't
know that. If Aragorn will find someone prettier than Arwen,
he'll fall in love with her and Arwen's beauty will fade in
a light speed.

Years passed, Eowyn's parents died, her brother was kicked
out of Rohan, and she became 16. She was so beautiful that
every man who ever looked at her fell in love, but she
waited for something better, for the Ranger on the brown
This was definitely bad new for old Lady Arwen, who only
just moved in to Gondor with Aragorn.
One day, after a nice bath and a lovely talk with her
prince, Arwen went to her room for the daily interview with
the Palantir. She walked in proudly and asked in a
commanding voice:
"Palantir Palantir on the Floor, who's the pretty of them
The Palantir glowed and hissed and suddenly it answered:
"Eowyn of Rohan is."
Arwen screamed in horror and fainted. The Palantir remained
silent and Aragorn came running to the room.
"Arwen! Arwen! Wake up!" he said to her, shaking her like
mad. He shouted, cried and prayed, but Arwen didn't wake
up... until he kissed her forehead gently.
"Oh... my head!" she said.
"What happened?" asked Aragorn concernedly. He helped Arwen
get up and she sat lightly on her bed.
"Nothing serious, my dear. I just got a major head ache and
lost it." Lied Arwen. As much as she loved Aragorn, she
couldn't tell him about the Palantir and the spell, or he'll
leave her and go away to find his dream's woman, which is
probably Eowyn, which will make her lose her beauty. No, she
"Alright my love, get some rest and I will see you in the
morning." Said Aragorn and left the room. Arwen smiled
lovingly to him and made for the bed again, but once he
closed the door, she got up and went for her huge book's
"Now where is that book?" she said to herself and looked
through the books. She then pulled a tiny book with fluffy
pink cover. Once it was in her hands, the cabinet moved and
a secret laboratory's entrance was revealed. Arwen stepped
inside and the cabinet moved back to place. The laboratory
was huge and amazing and complicated computers were all over
the place. Arwen looked confused and lost.
"I always said to that brat that this is too big and of the
future for me, but would he listen? No!!!" she said angrily.
"Dexter!!!" she then screamed. No answer.
Arwen walked through the huge laboratory, shouting loudly:
"Dexter! You little boy, come here!".
Finally, after she lost her voice, the little boy called
Dexter appeared.
"You yelled, Lady Undomiel?" asked Dexter carelessly.
"Yes, you little... boy. Look, I need you to help me.
There's someone I have to... well... kill... and I have a
plan. The thing is that I don't know how to do it." Said
"Fine, I'll help. What's your plan?" asked Dexter.
"Well, it goes like this: I'm going to send a secret
hunters' group to kill her. The evidence will be her heart.
Now, I need you to locate this group for me. Their name is
EEL. Two of them are my brothers, but I don't know how to
find them." Said Arwen.
"Cool. I'll do it, don't worry." Said Dexter and started to
walk back to his private room.
"WHAT? You are going to this NOW!" screamed Arwen again.
Dexter sighed and walked to his computer.
"Yes, Dexter?"
"Locate the EELs for me please, now..." said Dexter. The
computer looked for sometime, then it beeped and an address
appeared on the screen.
"Thank you Dexter." Said Arwen and shooed Dexter out of
there. She took the special telephone, which called people
in ME by using the address only, and dialed the address.
"Hello?" said a gentle man's voice from the other side.
"Hey, Elladan?" said Arwen happily. A laugh came from the
other side.
"No, sister, it's Elrohir." Said Elrohir, her brother.
"Oh, sorry, Elro."
"Don't call me Elro, elf, it's too similar to dad's name!"
said Elrohir angrily.
"Sorry again Elrohir." Arwen apologized again.
"So, what do you want? I mean, if you called to this
address, you probably need something to do with EEL, or you
would call me at home." Said Elrohir.
"Yes, bro. I need you to kill someone for me. Can you do
that?" asked Arwen.
"Sure! We'd love to! I'll just go tell Legolas. You can talk
to Elladan until I get back to sort all details." Elrohir
said and then he went and a new but practically the same
voice was heard.
"Yo sis, how's Gondor?" asked Elladan.
"Oh, it's amazing Elladan! You have to come and visit us
here!" said Arwen excitedly.
"Maybe, maybe. We'll think about it. Anyway, how's Aragorn?
Is he treating you well?" asked Elladan.
"Yep. He's so kind and loving... I'm so happy!" said Arwen.
"So why do you need to kill someone?" asked Elladan.
"Because if I won't, then I won't be happy ever again." Said
Arwen dramatically.
"I get you. Oh, here's Elrohir, talk to him about details."
Said Elladan.
After telling her brother everything there is to tell, they
hung up and Arwen went to bed. She slept peacefully that

Elladan, Elrohir and Legolas, a.k.a. the EELs, were walking
quietly inside Fangorn Forest. Arwen told them that she
would send a letter to Eowyn telling her she won this Tree
Keeper Contest and that she's to pick her prize in the
"It's kind of a stupid idea, to send this letter. There are
many other ways to do such things." Said Elrohir angrily
when they walked alone in the forest.
"Yeah, well, Arwen was never so bright when it came to
forming plans. She's... well... a woman." Said Elladan.
"Hey, women can be smart you know... remember
grandmother..." reminded Elrohir.
"Yeah, maybe it's just Arwen." Suggested Legolas. Elladan
and Elrohir laughed and nodded.
"You're probably right, Lego." Said Elladan. "Now we have to
keep it quiet. She should be here any moment."
They walked fast to hide behind a huge tree and prepared
their weapons. After a few seconds Eowyn appeared. The three
hunters were shocked and blinded by her beauty.
"Oh..." said Elrohir.
"My..." continued Legolas.
"God!" finished Elladan. It always happened...
They stopped thinking about Arwen and her plan in the same
moment and walked away from the shade of the tree, revealing
themselves to Eowyn. She screamed.
"Who are you?" she asked.
"And Legolas,"
"The EEL!" they said together.
"The what?" wondered Eowyn.
"Don't bother your self with that, pretty lady." Said
Elrohir. Elladan's face looked horrified.
"Fellows!" he said to Elrohir and Legolas, "we must warn
this amazing lady of what might happen to her!"
"Oh, yes, yes..." said Legolas distractedly.
"What are you talking about?" asked Eowyn suspiciously.
"It's Lady Arwen Undomiel, Lady Eowyn... she wants to kill
you! She wanted us to do it and bring her your heart, but we
can't! You're so amazing and innocent and we're sorry my
lady. We will leave you alone, but see here, you must live
Rohan!" explained Legolas.
"Oh no! Folks used to warn me from this day but I never
listened! What should I do? Where should I go?" Eowyn
"Relax, Lady, it's not good for Lego's vibrations." Laughed
"You idiot, don't laugh at her!" said Legolas angrily.
"You meant, don't laugh at you, right?" said Elladan.
"No, I meant exactly what I said!" said Legolas.
"Guys, don't fight. Legolas, it's alright, he can laugh as
much as he wants really." Said Eowyn pleadingly but they
kept it going.
"I say, my lady, go and hide inside this forest. It has some
potential hiding places we found today and I'll bet there
are much more out there. Just be careful from Ents." Said
Elrohir quietly.
"Thanks much, Elladan."
"It's Elrohir..." said Elrohir, smiling.
"Sorry. Well, I'd better be off then. Take care for these
two, don't let them go on for too long." Said Eowyn and
kissed Elrohir's cheek as a sing for her being grateful.
"It's on my count, go."
"Goodbye." Whispered Eowyn and walked away. Elrohir waved in
goodbye and turned to his friends.
"Umm... guys, we... well, we have to decide what to do next.
We can either stay here and let Arwen find us and kill us or
we can find a solution."
Elladan and Legolas stopped fighting.
"I say we should find a wild beast or being (dwarves are
best) and kill it, then take its heart and give it to
Arwen." Suggested Legolas. Elladan and Elrohir looked
"Sounds great, dude!" said Elladan happily. "A dwarf sounds
good, don't you think?"
"Yeah." Agreed Elrohir. They looked for a dwarf and found
"Oh man! Guys, I'm sorry, but we can't kill him." Said
Legolas sadly.
"You want to kill something? Take my pig here, it's sick to
death." Said Gimli. The elves were happy and they took the
pig's heart and brought it to Arwen.
"Ok, great!" she said when they came to her palace with it
in a golden box. "Thank you!"
"Don't mention it." They said and hurried off.
Arwen was happy and satisfied. Her plan, for all that she
knew, worked and she had no worries!

While all of this happened away in Gondor, Eowyn was walking
alone in Fangorn Forest, without any food or water and
without her horse-riding bodyguard. It was almost sunset
time, and the forest darkened. It became scarier when night
fell completely and Eowyn was shaking while she walked.
"I hope there's someone nearby... somewhere I can stay for
the night." She said to herself and hummed a little song to
break the horrible silence. She walked and walked... and
suddenly bats jumped all over her. She screamed and started
to run away until she fell and woke up by morning. When she
looked up she saw that she was in a small field with no
trees, and a strange-looking little house was in the middle
of it. There were no lights and no one inside. She opened
the door and said "Hello!" loudly, but no answer came.
"Well, I guess if there's no one here I can settle down
until danger is gone, if that will happen." Said Eowyn to
herself and walked inside. The house was really small and
her head bumped in the ceiling. It was clearly either
hobbit's or dwarf's house, and with a short look at the
kitchen and its content, Eowyn knew it was belong to more
than one hobbit.
"It's a mess, this place. Dusty and dirty. It was clearly
left unclean for long." Decided Eowyn when she saw the mess.
"Well, off we go." And she grabbed a broomstick (it was
actually Harry Potter's "broken" Nimbus 2000, but keep quiet
about it) and started to clean while loudly singing: "Just
sneeze while you work, hmmm hmmm hmmm..."
After a while, all the forest's animals came to help Eowyn
clean the strange house, and even one Ent came along, but as
she never saw one before, Eowyn got scared and screamed him
After a few hours the house was perfectly clean and it was
dark again outside.
"I'm s-s-s-s-oooo tired..." said Eowyn while trying not to
yawn but failing. One of the little rabbits took her up the
stairs to the bedroom. Seven tiny beds where there.
"One is definitely not enough. I'll take three." Said Eowyn
and laid on three beds comfortably. She fell asleep

Someplace else in the forest, was a small and hidden
cornfield. At the moment, it buzzed with loud singing.
"H-O-B-B-I-T-S!!!" came a yell from the middle of the field.
Six hobbits raised their heads. "time to go home!" it was
the seventh hobbit who yelled these words each day at the
same time, Bilbo Baggins.
The hobbits took their tools and walked after Bilbo in line,
"Hi ho, hi ho, its home from work we go..."
After quite a long walk, the seven hobbits arrived to the
same strange house Eowyn found before. It was dark outside,
and they could still see the smoke and light in the house.
"There's someone in there!" Sam pointed out.
"You don't think?" said Lobelia sarcastically.
"That's enough!" said Bilbo. "Let's go inside and see what's
going on."
"Yeah, lets!" said Rosie, who was holding Sam's hand
Bilbo opened the door slowly and quietly and they all
entered the house.
"By the love of Iluvatar! The house is clean!" said Frodo.
"Completely." Sam agreed.
"I think it looks great!" said Rosie.
"Oh no! This is terrible!" cried Pippin.
"Don't worry, Pip, we'll get it messed up in no time." Said
"Now now, we must be quiet and check the house." Said Bilbo.
The other hobbits nodded and followed Bilbo upstairs.
They entered the bedroom and jumped three feet in the air as
they saw something laying on three of their beds.
"It's huge!" Lobelia freaked.
"It's probably only some rabbits that somehow entered the
house." Suggested Pippin.
"Oh yeah? If that's so, then who lit fire in the fireplace?"
pointed Frodo.
"He's right." Said Sam.
The creature moved. The hobbits backed away further and were
ready to run out screaming at any moment. The creature woke
up and sat, and to their surprise, the hobbits saw a
beautiful lady.
"Wh-who are you?" asked Merry. His eyes were wide open and
he looked charmed by her beauty.
"I'm.. I'm Eowyn of Rohan. And who are you little folks?"
she asked.
"We're hobbits, Eowyn, and this is our house." Said Bilbo.
"I'm sorry, it seemed abandoned." Eowyn apologized.
"Well, I guess it's alright... as long as you'll clean it
like that every time." Said Lobelia.
"Lobelia!!! That's not nice!" said Rosie angrily.
"It's OK." Said Eowyn. "So... what are your names?"
"I'm Bilbo."
"I'm Rosie, and this is my boyfriend Samwise, or Sam."
"We're Merriadoc and Peregrin, or Merry and Pippin."
"I'm Lobelia Sackville-Baggins, and I hate humans!"
"Shut up Lobelia. I'm Frodo Baggins, and it's a pleasure to
meet you. Would you tell us why you're here?"
"Sure, why not..." said Eowyn and they spent the night
talking and singing and dancing.

Meanwhile, in Aragorn's palace, Arwen was of course feeling
much better. She went back to her room after dinner, and
walked to her Palantir, as usual. Confident as always.
"Palantir, Palantir on the Floor, who's the pretty of them
all?" she asked.
"Eowyn of Rohan is." Was the Palantir's answer.
"WHAT?!" Arwen screamed. "How can that be? Oh... those
brothers of mine, they lied! They will pay!!! But that will
happen later, now I have to worry about Eowyn and how to
kill her."
Arwen went over to her book cabinet and this time she took a
huge and thick book, covered in thick brown leather. She
opened in page 242521, and found a very interesting spell.
"Well, well. If that won't do, I don't know what will. The
poisoned mushroom should work pretty well on Eowyn. Sources
says that she's crazy about them..." said Arwen
She took out her cauldron and her special potion ingredients
and went to the kitchen to bring the largest mushroom they
After she'd done that, and brought the mushroom to her
laboratory, she had to scream once more in order to get
Dexter to do the job for her while she does her nails, fix
her make-up and remove hairs from her legs. She knew that
next time she'll go out, she would have to look ugly. As
ugly as she would look if this plan wouldn't work.

A few days passed, and Eowyn spent them with the Hobbits,
laughing and drinking, cooking for them and cleaning the
little house while they were at work in the fields. She
didn't like all of them (Lubelia was horrible to her), but
she never showed favoritism.
One day, only an hour or so after the hobbits went away to
another day of hard work, and Eowyn had almost finished her
apple pie, an old and ugly lady appeared near the house.
Eowyn was looking out through the window and saw her. Eowyn,
remembering what everyone said to her, and that she promised
to the hobbits that she wouldn't open the door to any
strangers, tried to close the window before the lady saw
her, but it was too late.
"Hello, dear child." Said the old lady.
"Hello" said Eowyn.
"Would be so kind and give me some water? I'm really tired,
and I still have a long way to go." Said the lady.
Eowyn hesitated. Her fears against her kindness, which was a
lost battle.
"Of course, come in." said Eowyn kindly and opened the door
to the lady.
"Thank you, child." Said the lady and stepped in. It was
only now that Eowyn noticed the mushrooms' basket the lady
was holding.
"Would you like a mushroom, my dear?" asked the lady. Eowyn
hesitated once again. She loved mushrooms, but yet, this was
a complete stranger, and it didn't seem too wise to eat
anything she suggests.
"No thanks, I've just had breakfast." Answered Eowyn.
But the old lady, who happened to be Arwen, knew better than
that to believe her.
"Oh, don't tell me you think these are poisoned, child!" she
said, faking a surprised and offended look.
"Well... I... er..."
"Look, here. I take a bite of that one, and you'll have a
proof that they aren't poisoned." Said Arwen. She took the
poisoned mushroom, and took a bite of the unpoisoned half of
it. Eowyn smiled.
"Alright, I'll take a bite." She said and took a bite from
the other half of the mushroom. Old lady Arwen smiled. Eowyn
felt her head spinning around, and than she fell to the
ground and didn't wake up.
Arwen laughed an evil laugh.
"You'll never wake up, Eowyn of Rohan! Ha, ha, ha! The only
way to break the spell is a prince's kiss, and when you're
here with the stupid fat hobbits, no prince will find you!
Ha, ha, ha!" she said and walked away, back to her palace
with Aragorn.

When the hobbits came home, they were horrified to find
Eowyn laying on the floor, lifeless.
"What happened to her?!" said panicked Frodo.
"She fainted!" suggested Rosie.
"No, my little hobbits, she is in an enchanted sleep." Said
Bilbo, after he examined her body.
"What should we do?" asked Sam.
"Nothing, I say." Said Lobelia.
"Lobelia, you're disgusting." Said Merry.
"Yeah! You're so horrible that if it was you on the floor
here, I wouldn't have saved you, even if I was threatened by
the Dark Lord!" said Pippin angrily.
Lobelia said nothing.
"I say we keep her in a cabinet, that beautiful thing
Galadriel had brought us in her last visit." Said Frodo.
"Right you are, young lad! We shall all guard her in turns,
or together, until we'll find the answer." Said Bilbo. They
all carried Eowyn to the bedroom, and placed her in the
glass cabinet. They sat next to her all the time. It was
starting to rain, and the sky went cloudy, and still Eowyn
slept, and no answer came to the minds of the hobbits.

In faraway Gondor, there was the son of the Steward of
Gondor. His name was Faramir, and he was very handsome
indeed. He was also a very good friend of Aragorn, the
prince, who waited until the Steward would decide to give
him the crown. One day, Faramir was reading the newspaper,
the "Gondorian Weekly", and was caught by the story of the
Rohirrian princess Eowyn. The story of her enchanted sleep
was all over Middle Earth by now. There was also a picture
of her, and from the moment he laid eyes on her, he fell in
"She's so beautiful. I wish I was a prince, so I could kiss
her and save her..." said Faramir to himself.
"Hey Faramir! Feeling like a game of Basketball?" asked
Aragorn, who just came into the room.
"Not really, no." answered Faramir sadly.
"What is it, mate?"
"Have you read the newspaper yet?" asked Faramir.
Faramir handed the paper to Aragorn, who read it.
"She's way more beautiful than Arwen!" said Aragorn finally.
Faramir sighed. "I have to go and save her!"
"Wait, Aragorn! What about Arwen?" asked Faramir.
"Who cared about her? I want Eowyn!" said Aragorn and left.
Faramir was totally depressed. He wanted Eowyn for himself.
Aragorn had Arwen, he didn't deserve another pretty lady! He
got to his feet and also left Gondor.

Arwen was sitting in her huge room, reading the "Gondorian
Weekly". She saw the article about Eowyn and panicked. She
must ensure that Aragorn wouldn't see it. She left her room
to find Faramir running towards the palace's exit.
"Faramir!" she stopped him. "Have you seen Aragorn?"
"Yes, he ran off to Fangorn Forest to save Eowyn, and I must
reach her before he does!" said Faramir and disappeared.
Arwen was all hysterical now, and also left Gondor to reach
Eowyn before Aragorn.

"I wish she would wake up." Said Frodo quietly.
"So do I..." said Merry. "It's been really gloomy in here
since she fell asleep."
The hobbits didn't go to work anymore, now that it was
raining, and they also had to watch Eowyn and think about
ways to wake her up. Suddenly, the rain stopped, and bright
sun was shining outside.
"Look!" said Rosie happily, pointing at the window.
"Sunlight!" called Sam.
The door opened, and in came Faramir.
"Who are you?" said Pippin and Frodo together, drawing
"Not another big person!" said Lobelia angrily.
"Will you just shut up?!" yelled Bilbo.
"I am Faramir, son of Denethor of Gondor. I came to rescue
Eowyn!" said Faramir. The lady was still asleep, and Aragorn
was nowhere around, so he assumed he arrived first. The
hobbits, to desperate to save Eowyn, moved aside to let
Faramir get closer to her. He opened the glass cabinet and
was about to kiss Eowyn, as he heard two angry voices behind
"Wait!" said Aragorn.
"It won't help, Faramir! You're not a prince!" said Arwen.
"Arwen! What are you doing here?" asked Aragorn.
"I came to stop you from kissing her!" said Arwen. "To stop
you from falling in love with her!"
It was only now that Aragorn understood how much Arwen loves
him, and that made her the most beautiful creature for him.
So the spell didn't work. Arwen's beauty will linger!
"Are you done yet?" asked Faramir angrily.
"Yes, why?" asked Arwen after she kissed Aragorn.
Faramir sighed, then he kissed Eowyn. And it worked. Eowyn
opened her eyes and looked at Faramir with great surprise.
She smiled.
"Well, what can I say? I guess I misread the spell book, and
it's actually a true love's kiss that would break the
spell," said Arwen.
Faramir helped Eowyn out of the cabinet.
"I love you, Eowyn!" he said.
"I love you too, my life saver," said Eowyn.
"The name is Faramir."
"Faramir," smiled Eowyn. "I like that name."
And they kissed.

P.S.: and they lived happily ever after!

היצירה לעיל הנה בדיונית וכל קשר בינה ובין
המציאות הנו מקרי בהחלט. אין צוות האתר ו/או
הנהלת האתר אחראים לנזק, אבדן, אי נוחות, עגמת
נפש וכיו''ב תוצאות, ישירות או עקיפות, שייגרמו
לך או לכל צד שלישי בשל מסרים שיפורסמו
ביצירות, שהנם באחריות היוצר בלבד.
בבמה מאז 7/8/05 11:33
האתר מכיל תכנים שיתכנו כבלתי הולמים או בלתי חינוכיים לאנשים מסויימים.
אין הנהלת האתר אחראית לכל נזק העלול להגרם כתוצאה מחשיפה לתכנים אלו.
אחריות זו מוטלת על יוצרי התכנים. הגיל המומלץ לגלישה באתר הינו מעל ל-18.
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