Falling, searching for an exit
Deeply disturbed young girl with no name
Looking for the right way to turn
The way to heaven, so they have said
Flying, floating through the sky
Highly intelligent friend who's not here
Trying to solve the greatest riddle
The answer to all, so they have said
I don't believe they could be so blind
I don't know what they're hiding inside
Are we really what we think we are?
Or just a hopeless attempt to create something else
From sunrise 'till sunset
Swallowing lies about everything
And with a naive look toward the sky
We believe we are alive
While the whole world collapses
Around us only air you can't breath
We still think we could live through this
But god exists only in the books
Am I dreaming of a better place
Screaming for a change
I'm looking for a thought
That would break my shield of innocence.
12 05 05 |